Storage Tips??

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Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
I am working on making sense of some of the boxes we have stored over at the inalws. The real gems are in the house, but there are some in the garage. What's the best way to store some of these long term?

I want to protect them, but I'm afraid that with the humidity fluctuation we have around here, wrapping those in the garage would do more harm than good. At first I thought plastic, but then the couldn't breathe and condensation would build up / ruin something. Then I thought pillowcases for breathability, but if we pack them too tightly, they may not get enough circulation and may encourage mildew growth on the pillowcases themselves.

Any tips / ideas would be appreciated. (FYI moving them all indoors may not be feasible, the attic maybe, but the temp is not as regulated there as it is in the garage.)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Garage?!?!?! :nonono: Never. :no:

Attic - HOT! :thumbsdown:

Basement with dehumidifier :yes: . With maybe a pillow case over it to keep the dust off..... :hmmm:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Garage?!?!?! :nonono: Never. :no:

Attic - HOT! :thumbsdown:

Basement with dehumidifier :yes: . With maybe a pillow case over it to keep the dust off..... :hmmm:

Sorry love, some have to be in the garage. But I promise, they are 'for parts' boxes anyway, nothing good.


Member (SA)
I'll offer my home office for storage of anyones boom boxes. I offer very affordable rates too. :)

I'm with the above comment, cover them in something at least and ideally in a dry place. Don't let the parts boxes be too abused thought, I might be buying those parts from you later. :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Garage = temperature extremes which might cause parts to expand & contract, and the humidity would cause corrosion.

I usually just put each box in a plastic bag from the dry cleaners. They're free. :-/


Member (SA)
All mine are in plastic bags,
use the clear recycle garbage bags.
If your worried about moisture place a paper towel in the bag too.


Member (SA)
Hmmm, I wonder...

The box I've used in the garage as my 'garage duty box' has worked perfectly including the cassette player (in 1 of the 2 decks) for over 10 whatever, even the oil burner is out there. :thumbsup:

However, my monstrous goldstar tsr-801 that I had placed WAY out of the way and safe up on the top of a 7' bookshelf was knocked off by my cat onto the hardwood floor. :annoyed:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
k2j said:
Hmmm, I wonder...
The box I've used in the garage as my 'garage duty box' has worked perfectly including the cassette player (in 1 of the 2 decks) for over 10 whatever, even the oil burner is out there. :thumbsup:
However, my monstrous goldstar tsr-801 that I had placed WAY out of the way and safe up on the top of a 7' bookshelf was knocked off by my cat onto the hardwood floor. :annoyed:

Damn Cats! :choco:

It our case, the garage is surprisingly insulated. I don't recall it getting to the point that I thought "crap it's sweltering / freezing in here" and a car is always going in / out sho there is usually some fresh air at least twice a day. So I'm not terribly worried about them, I just want to take as many preventative measures as I can.

Lasonic TRC-920

TW5 said:
All mine are in plastic bags,
use the clear recycle garbage bags.
If your worried about moisture place a paper towel in the bag too.

:yes: :yes: :yes:

The only thing I would add is use a vacuum to pull all the air and humidity out of the bag and then seal it.

And if you have them or can buy them....throw in some silica pouches in the bag as well.


Member (SA)
Ok now here is an answer that you would probably have never guessed at:

Wrap a few up as suggested on this thread but then..

Wrap a few up in heavy aluminum foil, and also wrap a few up that you know will work well.
The foil will act as a faraday cage and should we get a large emp from a solar flare or ? You will have the only working radio for miles around. :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

restocat said:
Ok now here is an answer that you would probably have never guessed at:

Wrap a few up as suggested on this thread but then..

Wrap a few up in heavy aluminum foil, and also wrap a few up that you know will work well.
The foil will act as a faraday cage and should we get a large emp from a solar flare or ? You will have the only working radio for miles around. :-)

Impressive! Hadn't thought of that! :lol: :lol: :yes:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
restocat said:
Ok now here is an answer that you would probably have never guessed at:
Wrap a few up as suggested on this thread but then..
Wrap a few up in heavy aluminum foil, and also wrap a few up that you know will work well.
The foil will act as a faraday cage and should we get a large emp from a solar flare or ? You will have the only working radio for miles around. :-)

Sorry, we use all our foil for hats and window coverings :w00t:
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