Start the time machine

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Boomus Fidelis
Quite similar to this thread:


But other direction! ;-)

Had a dream last night, as follows:
I got the chance to take a ride in a time machine and go back in time.
Enter a vintage electronic store and take one brandnew boombox with me.
But: the time machine works only one time (both directions) and
you can take only ONE boombox!

Money for buying does not matter. ;-)

So what boombox would you get?

Get in and take a ride....



Member (SA)
I'd like to walk into an electrical store and walk out with a brand new in box Toshiba BomBeat40.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
:hmmm: I woundn't take any boxes with me - just the key to the shop after i had locked the doors shut - then in 30 years time i could just go into the shop after i had unlocked it and clam all the boxes :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

other wise it would be a conion - no a m90 - no a super jumbo - :annoyed: can't i just stay there and play :cool:

cheers B :w00t:
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