Do remember that a multimeter reads resistance, not impedance. Its not a big deal though. And yes, seems to be connected to series.
Where those Bose woofers are going anyway?
If they are used in a normal 2-way configuration, I recommend connecting a 0,10mH inductor (crossover coil) in series with each woofer (+ lead) and connect the tweeter + lead before the inductor. It will make the higher tones clearer, because then you are adding a 1st order (-6dB) lowpass to the woofer and it wont try to reproduce the higher frequencies, which it isn't designed to. That 0,10mH coil will cut a 2ohm driver from somewhere around 3000hz. I didn't find a lower value coil from parts-express, but I would think there is some. Higher ohm driver needs a higher value coil for the same frequency, for example, 4ohm would need 0,20mH, 8ohm 0,40Mh and so on.