Sound quality vs wattage

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Member (SA)
I am glad I found this site and first post. I was in the market for something my iPhone.
I terms of what people look for, I have always like load quality. Instead of just load muddy. Can some of you point me in the right direction on a few models to hunt for that can bleed your years but do it with quality :hmmm:
Thanks for your help and my new found addiction.


Member (SA)
Altec Lansing iMT800 Mix................. Made for the iPod, just amazing sound.... (£180 ish)

Bit older... Panasonic Platinum RXCT990, amazing sound, and a remote. (£60 ish)

Older still Sanyo 9990 (£50 ish)

Sound and Super Cool - Sharp 767, 777 (£LOTS)


Member (SA)
Ser182 said:
I am glad I found this site and fist post. I was in the market for something my iPhone.
I terms of what people look for, I have always like load quality. Instead of just load muddy. Can some of you point me in the right direction on a few models to hunt for that can bleed your years but do it with quality :hmmm:
Thanks for your help and my new found addiction.
Well, if you like Apple products, you like quality! :yes: Forget about the old boomboxes like M70s. The old stuff is underpowered and not built strong enough for an iPhone. Then, the old stuff breaks down. Good luck finding parts and fixing it!

Try these:

JVC Kaboom


TDK 3-speaker Boombox


Lasonic i931x (for iPhone)



Member (SA)
Thanks all. I will look for the JVC RC M70.
Bmoney I have tried them and they are good not great. Plus they lack some style. I do like the TDK but i don't like the lack of grills.
The Lasonic i931 has had horrible reviews. Hopefully they come out with a revised edition. Has anybody used it yet?

Master Z

Member (SA)
Well, if you like Apple products, you like quality! Forget about the old boomboxes like M70s. The old stuff is underpowered and not built strong enough for an iPhone. Then, the old stuff breaks down. Good luck finding parts and fixing it!

Bmoney, I really hope you were kidding when you said this. If not......
Bite your tounge Sucka!
Better watch wat you say around these parts! :lol:

Apple= quality?!?! LOL
Try finding an original ipod v 1.0 that WORKS.
Now how old are our boomboxes??? They're pushing 30 years and older and still rocking! That's quality. :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I have a gen 1 iPod that works.

Ok it's on it's 3rd disk, but still rocks.

Not sure about old stuff being strong enough for iphone however. My trk 8200 seems fine to me.


Member (SA)
Master Z said:
Well, if you like Apple products, you like quality! Forget about the old boomboxes like M70s. The old stuff is underpowered and not built strong enough for an iPhone. Then, the old stuff breaks down. Good luck finding parts and fixing it!

Bmoney, I really hope you were kidding when you said this. If not......
Bite your tounge Sucka!
Better watch wat you say around these parts! :lol:

Apple= quality?!?! LOL
Try finding an original ipod v 1.0 that WORKS.
Now how old are our boomboxes??? They're pushing 30 years and older and still rocking! That's quality. :breakdance:

HA HA HA! Yeah, very funny, BMoney. I'm sure you're joking. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


That's the one. Great sound and it won't cost you a grand. At least not yet.


Member (SA)
i would go with the sound quality more than the watts

one radio could be rated at 20 watts but may not sound as good as one that only has 5 watts i guess the parts used in them matters too. most of the time the wattage rattings are not true anyways its more of a selling point to make it sound better then it really is


Member (SA)
Thanks for the replies. I ended up with GE blockbuster, Sharp GF- 8989 , and a Panasonic RX-5050.
Now the waiting game.......please arrive soon


Member (SA)
I (like many others) have an 8989 and its a great bit of kit.

Sound is clear, looks amazing and is loud (enough).....

Take care though, this was my first box in umpteen years, and now I have .... well quite a few...

Its a bit addicting, especially when the guys here have such great boxes.
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