Some viewers may find this disturbing....

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Lasonic TRC-920

[ Image ] Man, that mickyficky ain't wrapped too tight! [ Image ]

Chris, just because he spotted your video, it doesn't mean that he's here. More than likely, some of your videos are linked with his in the "suggestions" section...

I HIGHLY recommend that every member with a YouTube video go to his page and block his crazy a$s! ;-)

Yeah, your probably right, BUT, it wouldn't take much to sign up with a different email address and name and just be a lurker.

I agree, if this guy adds you as friend on youtube, facebook or where ever to block him I have blocked him.

I haven't heard back from youtube on my complaint.

Bus Driver huh? I'm sure that is a high pressure job and it looks like it got to the guy. His actions, talking to the video like he's talking to a person, then repeatedly cocking the gun are down right scary. I agree, I think this guy is going to crack and hurt someone one day.

On the news you see it all the the guy who shot everyone in Arizona 6 months ago. Everyone knew that guys was nutz and yet he still went out and killed everyone. I think this guy is in the same group of loonies! :hmmm: :dunce:

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
Nice looing rifle! :-P
A Ruger 10/22 dressed up as a mini 14!
Oh.... Er.....sorry, yeah, not sure what he's trying to convey here.
But surely a troubled soul seeking attention good or bad. :sadno:
The background of our members shotgunning a BBX???!!

shane higgins

Member (SA)
any cops on here go raid this before he kills the boxes
i mean even the star wars kid is not this f..ked up
some one go over and belt some sense into him and bring me back an m90


Boomus Fidelis
the only thing that suprized me was he didn't shoot himself in the foot :lol:

this guy has no idea that disco music and guns don't make a good match ,it's hard to aim at the targets while doing the electric slide :lol: .


Boomus Fidelis
Crazy thing is I actually thought he was going to shoot his boombox because the tape was playing slow. :lol:
There aren't to many people where I would see that video and actually believe they were going to fire the gun but I thought he would.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I wish I was his neighbor so when he was at his lowest point I could give him my crazy low offers on all his boxes and he would probably give in.

Like when we took the land from the Indians - get'm drunk and have them sign some stuff :lol:

He is going wacko. :nonono:


Member (SA)
Brownlow said:
:no: Not the place I would keep a M90 :no:

It is a real shame to see people reduced to this.......
Or five 550s: :drool:

Yes, James is a time-bomb waiting to go off...



Lasonic TRC-920

You know, when we post pictures of our families on facebook / youtube, you never know what weirdo is out there viewing it. I try not to think about it much, but this guy is a FREAK and a half. It's really scary.

When I first saw his video with my video playing in the background I was pissed and scared at the same time because I have video's of my family on that account!

Of course at the same time, I'm probably more of a gun wielding psycho path than this a-hole :lol: :yes: :evilmad: :chris920:
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