Some viewers may find this disturbing....

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Lasonic TRC-920

Whoa.....that's F'n scary! This guy is using MY video in the background. I am going to contact Youtube and DEMAND this is taken down!


Staff member
That is James...known as Decentman4U on many forums and has gone by other AKA's. He has a world of boomers, notably grails, that are living in filth and purgatory. This guy is totally nuts. He was selling off his collection after he had apparently lost his job as a bus driver in Houston, Texas.

He would snipe radios and spend ridiculous amounts of money just to beat people out of an eBay buy. Totally Froot Looped guy.

When he joined at s2g he seemed normal and I actually got my Sansui CP-99W from him. He has videos posted all over You Tube. Wow just wow...

He really is going off the edge of the cliff I'm afraid... :-/ And he has a weapon?!?!? :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: Though I love Texas laws there has to be a reasonable limit... :no:


No Longer Active
Man, that mickyficky ain't wrapped too tight!

Chris, just because he spotted your video, it doesn't mean that he's here. More than likely, some of your videos are linked with his in the "suggestions" section...

I HIGHLY recommend that every member with a YouTube video go to his page and block his crazy a$s! ;-)


No Longer Active
Fatdog said:
O. M. F. G.


That guy is going to snap one day.

He's a tragedy waiting to happen! :-/

I believe I told somebody before, that if he ever decides to use a gun, to use it on himself - ESPECIALLY before he tries to use it on others.


You know he has stereo2go listed as his main link on his YouTube channel? I wouldn't doubt if he's a member there.


Boomus Fidelis
he is on facebook so more than likely he is trying to be friends with whoever that do not know him ,, i belive i posted something about a pic of a boomer he quickly added to my coments then after carefull inspection it was him :-O :annoyed:


Member (SA)
I'm not trying to put oil on fire as a moron but I remembered this vid I saw 1 year ago (on the s2g forum i think) and it really hurts me a bit because I realised that collecting things is a good thing as a clear hobby but u have to be careful with your mind and pay attention to the moment where you're not collecting them anymore because you like those stuff indiviually but just because to have more and more and more until you'll be only focused on it.

I think this guy should open a shop / workshop, or better, should sold all his collection (just keeping 5 to 10 grails, no more, to be able to display them descently in his home) and begin something new with his money (travelling, starting a new project etc...clearing his mind in fact)

here is his collection (at the begining u feel like wow ! :w00t: but 2 minutes letter i felt like wow :hmmm: and then wow :sadno: )


we have to keep in mind that collecting stuff is not building a fortress ! :ninja:


Member (SA)
I think this guy was really drunk and is in general rather depressed :-/ .
Somehow I am sorry for him...
People like this should not have access to two things:
1. weapons
2. internet
:sadno: :sadno: :sadno:


Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
I think this guy was really drunk and is in general rather depressed :-/ .
Somehow I am sorry for him...
People like this should not have access to two things:
1. weapons
2. internet
:sadno: :sadno: :sadno:
3. Boomboxes

But I agree, he's probably pretty depressed. He's so friggin' indifferent... it almost seems as if he enjoys the fact that he possesses all these boomers without having any special feeling for 'em while others would give pretty much anything for one or another of his grails.

Edit: Also, can anyone give me the link to the video in the background?
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