So much for the assumption buying outta China = bad news

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Member (SA)
I went into an ebay purchase from a certain Chinese seller that most of us are familiar with a lot of caution. I must've been feeling 'risky' that night as I saw something that was a real nice price from what I have seen. I pretty much was preparing myself to assume I was burning my money on a purchase for a big time box for a rather good price (even with the crazy shipping included). Well, let's just say that out of maybe 30+ boombox purchases via ebay, most from the US, he was top 3 at least, maybe even the best overall . After my recent experiences of some boxes showing up packed terribly and damaged from within the US, I would only assume my purchase from China would show up looking like lego pieces.

I won the auction last Monday, and immediately was communicating with the seller to establish some form of communication, restating the condition of the box, packaging expectations, etc. He got back to my no longer than 10 hours after any message I sent. A lot better than most I've dealt with, and they are in the same country and speak the same language as me.

So I got the box this morning, just 5 business days later, outta China. I've had packages take longer from a state or 2 away before. Maybe that's why the shipping is so pricey, the thing was crazy fast. And then the packaging itself. I think the package could've lasted underwater as the large box was 100% wrapped in packaging tape as well as those even more secure strap like strips across it. The inside was packaged very close to what I would assume a new one would've been packaged like. Nice thick yet soft enough to take bumps, foam 100% covering all sides with several inches of protection. Then the radio itself was wrapped up in a sealed plastic bag so no foam or moisture could get in it. About as good as I've seen, only our common friend outta Germany has more packaging than that.

The radio itself is exactly as described and pictures. Even in better shape than I would've hoped as I assumed there'd be more of those hairline scratches that don't show in any photos really, scratchy pots, and other crap that'd make me regret the purchase. But there was none of those issues. Only thing I noticed was the tuner knob was missing. DAMN, now I'm thinking I'm gonna get screwed and missing a key part to a great box. Well after I shot off a message and a photo I took before opening as proof that it didn't have the knob on, I got a message back within an hour telling me the knob is in the battery case, where I pulled the AC cord out from earlier. Well turns out it was in there, and he put it there to prevent damage during shipping as it sticks out moreso than anything else, and is on the corner as well. Never had someone been preventative like that for me before. Great.

Couldn't have been shipped faster, packaged better or anything better as far as know. So, as much as I'll always be cautious with buying from foreign lands, and probably keep my purchases to a lower amount, I have more confidence in this seller than the majority of US ones I've dealt with. (and I just bought a another box from him last night, just couldn't pass on the BIN price)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You know... the suspense is killing most of us. We want to know the seller and we want pictures. :agree: :thumbsup: :cool: :yes: :-) :-D

Congratulations on the excellent eBay deal. ;-)


Member (SA)
:morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :morepics: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :catfight: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Where are the friggin pix!?!?!? And who's the seller?!?! I'd like to see if he has any M90's.


Boomus Fidelis
I am assuming the seller is xiaosan777168? He is the biggest Chinese seller. That's cool he made good with you.............And I agree he packs well, and fast........but the boombox he sent had a few electrical issues he did not describe.


Staff member
I presume that after lots of damage complaints, he has probably learned to pack better. But it's gonna take more than one happy sale to convince me to throw my money overseas like that. For every happy ending, there are also some not very happy endings too. Even an 80 or 90% positive compliance rate is not that great, especially if MY hard earned money is amongst that 10 or 20%.

Glad to see the OP have positive results. But like I said, there's nothing they sell there that isn't available here too. Eventually.


Member (SA)
Yep, that would be the seller, xiaosan777168. And of course it was a Sharp 777. But no, I didn't spend near the 800+ a lot of them seem to be listed and go for often

And I agree that he might have a few negative reviews. 88 positive to 5 negative/neutral in the last year so yeah there is a risk. But like I referenced in the previous post, I've had some crap US sellers of late, and they didn't have 1 negative comments. This guy just far outdid some many others I've seen with 100% positives where I have more faith in him than a lot of others now. And yes, that's opposite to what I would've thought a week ago.

And yet another positive just today. I knowingly bought a box without either deck working. Well being it's very similar to others I have, I assume it's the belts needing replacement. While, I asked him about his thoughts and if he thought it was the belts causing issues, well no he says he replaced them and they both work. even sent me updated pics of the belts and all. I assume he's being honest with this all, but I was expecting to get it without either deck working and that's why I think it went for a decent price, and now is sounds like they aren't even broken. So, this could be another crazy positive experience with him. We'll see how long the shipping is as that last one was insane.

Here's the package. Straps and 100% taped. I think it could've floated via the Pacific and made it safe.

Always nice to open the cardboard and see 100% coverage with foam/peanuts/etc. No exposed corners or anything of the actual item, and nice big thick sheets of foam.

After taking the foam out, the boombox was nicely bagged, and not just in shrink wrap crap.

All opened, and before I found out the tuning knob was in the battery compartment. Very minimal wear/scratches on top/bottom/sides. Only thing noticable was actually behind the tuning knob from the spinning of it, which is covered by the knob now. Functionality is great. And I never knew this beast had a cross fader for the tape decks. Good stuff, I might have to DJ my next party with it.


I Am Legend
thanks alot for your report -
happy to learn that there is a big shot at getting GREAT packing
and an understated description -

from ANYWHERE !!!! :thumbsup: :angelic: :angelic:


Member (SA)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: CONGRATS ON A BAD @SS BOX!!!! now Im considering trying him out! Thanks for the thorough report it's always appreciated! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hi M40dotcom-Nice to see & hear-I have bought 777 parts from him.
As described & shipping was fast!!
I've never bought a boombox though so I'm glad you had ghood luck!
GB. :-) :yes:


Member (SA)
Damn I almost bid on that one last im kickin myself.
congrats on a great purchase!
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