So Cal Members: STOP Polishing your Knobs!

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Lasonic TRC-920

check tha bass said:
20 D's Mother #$$%^

Today's forecast!

1 pm

FEELS LIKE: 94° HUMIDITY: 30% PRECIP: 0% WIND: SW at 7 mph


Member (SA)
Check 'em out...


Left to right: Lasonic TRC-920, Kraftmatic, Fresh Produce, Mac Daddy Freshness


Lasonic had a booth where they were rocking their latest boomers, plus a vintage 922 that snuck in there...


This 922 once belonged to ThaFuzz, who traded it to me, who sold it to Chris (Lasonic TRC-920) today.




Chris talking to one of the guys from Lasonic.


The Lasonic guys were showing off this custom box.


Another one of Chris's newest boomer.


B-Boys, B-Girls...



That's right. The hottest day of the year to be lugging around boomers...


Member (SA)
Nice pics! Unfortunately we showed up a little later than planned so I didn't get a chance to meet Chris, Miles, or Kraftmatic...BUT I did get to meet Fresh Produce, and MacDaddyFreshness. 2 cool cats with some HUGH boomers. It was FRICKIN HOT.One of the hottest days of the year here in So Cal, but it was worth it, here's a few shots for you guysView attachment 11541
From left to right, unknown, myself (SLO), Fresh Produce, and MacDaddyFreshness. As you can see the boxes go from small to BIG.
View attachment 11542
Here's the Lasonic rep and myself at the Lasonic Booth, this guy was cool as ice and he loved the old school box. View attachment 11544View attachment 11545
Kickin it Boomboxery Style

Nice meeting you guys, theres another Beat Swapmeet coming up Nov 1st in Santa Ana, Im sure by then the weather will be alot cooler than today. Maybe we can all do it again! Nice meeting some fellow Addicts, had a blast
SLO!! it was good to meet you man you are one cool cat yourself and that Lasonic is clean!! Hope we can all kick it again. Oh and the guy on the far left is Last Man from the Zulu Nation he collects radios as well he told us his friend found a Big Ben laying around his work and gave it to him for free!!


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Great pic' SLO, sorry I missed ya! Great looking 931.

I posted all my pictures here:
Thanks bro, we'll meet up on the flipside, I went ahead and posted my pics on the here as well

mac daddy freshness said:
SLO!! it was good to meet you man you are one cool cat yourself and that Lasonic is clean!! Hope we can all kick it again. Oh and the guy on the far left is Last Man from the Zulu Nation he collects radios as well he told us his friend found a Big Ben laying around his work and gave it to him for free!

Thanks Mac Daddy, Its my pride and joy until I find one like you were carrying today, your guys boxes looked HEAVY Lol, Lets all stock up on some fresh "D" batteries for the next episode!!! And lets hope for cooler weather, I was melting :'-(
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