Update: I got a power supply from Del from a Sharp GF575 almost 2 years ago (can't believe its that long!) as its the same rating as the 9000. Well the rating was the same but the set up was completely different. I nearly started this several times but gave up scratching my head.
Well as I've had a couple of days off I decided to do a few long awaited jobs including this one. Took a few hours modifying the 9000 casing to fit the 575 supply but finally done it! Even got the socket to line up exactly with casing hole so from the outside you'd never know it was different. Works perfectly. Such a relief to finally tick this job off my to-do list!!
It was at a 90 degree angle to the original so I had to build a platform for it to sit on. Used Perspex cut to fit, liquid poly and hot glue to fix the platform in place. Then I made a retaining plate to go over the top and be screwed in place (not shown). Took a lot of fettling to get it to line up perfectly.