Sisterhood of the Boomboxery

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Member (SA)
I told my girlfriend I just bought another 777.
She said "which one is the 777?"
I said "uhhh that super ill monster right there"
She said " what!? the ugly one!?...boomboxes aren't supposed to have four thingies...just one thingie on each side! you're gonna have two ugly ones!? What the ****!?"
Honest to god that's what she said.
.....maybe my next girlfriend will join this site.:-D


Boomus Fidelis
-GZ- said:
I told my girlfriend I just bought another 777.
She said "which one is the 777?"
I said "uhhh that super ill monster right there"
She said " what!? the ugly one!?...boomboxes aren't supposed to have four thingies...just one thingie on each side! you're gonna have two ugly ones!? What the fark!?"
Honest to god that's what she said.
.....maybe my next girlfriend will join this site.:-D
One of Jeannies favorite bbx's is my Sharp GF767 :thumbsup: :cool: the other of course is the Conion :w00t:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Lemme see if I can get it right, the Yorx 20 20 ?? I think that is my favorite, you know because it has rollbars. Although I do kinda dig what ever the red one is that in my bedroom now. Can't say anything about how it sounds, I just like it because it's red. I can without a shadow of a doubt name the one that I HATE. Ok, not really (have no idea it's name)'s one of those stupid 3 piece heavy arse ones that Freddie got Bobby in to :annoyed: . For those that were at the mini FL day, the one Bobby brought down there. Too heavy and a handle doesn't move (unless of course you are taking the speakers off) :nonono: No good at all!

WAIT! I have heard of Bobby mentioning that he may 'like' one and it somehow appears at my know what would make Mrs. Fatdog really happy? One of those with all the blinky strobe lights....looks like a party. :angelic: Or even better, a match to the one 'death star' speaker that he randomly found. I would replace our Sony surround system with those hellacool mugs in a heart beat.


Member (SA)
Welcome, Paula aka "Mrs. Fatdog" nice to see a new trend happening here! :yes:

I unfortunately is in the process of divorcing my wife, but on the up side I get to collect boomboxes more freely! :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Mrs. Fatdog said:
Lemme see if I can get it right, the Yorx 20 20 ?? I think that is my favorite, you know because it has rollbars. Although I do kinda dig what ever the red one is that in my bedroom now. Can't say anything about how it sounds, I just like it because it's red. I can without a shadow of a doubt name the one that I HATE. Ok, not really (have no idea it's name)'s one of those stupid 3 piece heavy arse ones that Freddie got Bobby in to :annoyed: . For those that were at the mini FL day, the one Bobby brought down there. Too heavy and a handle doesn't move (unless of course you are taking the speakers off) :nonono: No good at all!

WAIT! I have heard of Bobby mentioning that he may 'like' one and it somehow appears at my know what would make Mrs. Fatdog really happy? One of those with all the blinky strobe lights....looks like a party. :angelic: Or even better, a match to the one 'death star' speaker that he randomly found. I would replace our Sony surround system with those hellacool mugs in a heart beat.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
JVC Floyd said:
death star speaker , ha that's priceless i love it :lol: that box you said you hate sounds like the jvc pc 55 if it's a silver 4 piece beauty that you could use for an anchor on the queen mary :-P .

so i guess we have 2 goals now

#1 get bobby another death star speaker to go with the one he has .

#2 find mrs fatdog a flashin' disco box

and that will bring balance to the force :lol: .
Yep, that booxbox is the PC-55. :-D

Definitely YES to #1 !!

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
death star speaker , ha that's priceless i love it :lol: that box you said you hate sounds like the jvc pc 55 if it's a silver 4 piece beauty that you could use for an anchor on the queen mary :-P .

so i guess we have 2 goals now

#1 get bobby another death star speaker to go with the one he has .

#2 find mrs fatdog a flashin' disco box

and that will bring balance to the force :lol: . I stand corrected, my favorite is the Rising 20/20 but in my defense, we did have a Yorx that looked a lot like it. I poked around in another thread, and yes I apparently want a Discolite, guess I need to ask Santa, or the Easter Bunny, or apparently Chuck Norris :hmmm: And yes JVC Floyd ..... a matching speaker would make me very very happy. Although, I am tempted to hang the one we have from the ceiling, :w00t:


Staff member
Mrs. Fatdog said:
JVC Floyd said:
death star speaker , ha that's priceless i love it :lol: that box you said you hate sounds like the jvc pc 55 if it's a silver 4 piece beauty that you could use for an anchor on the queen mary :-P .

so i guess we have 2 goals now

#1 get bobby another death star speaker to go with the one he has .

#2 find mrs fatdog a flashin' disco box

and that will bring balance to the force :lol: . I stand corrected, my favorite is the Rising 20/20 but in my defense, we did have a Yorx that looked a lot like it. I poked around in another thread, and yes I apparently want a Discolite, guess I need to ask Santa, or the Easter Bunny, or apparently Chuck Norris :hmmm: And yes JVC Floyd ..... a matching speaker would make me very very happy. Although, I am tempted to hang the one we have from the ceiling, :w00t:

Well...if you don'tlike the PC-55 I'll relieve Bobby of it no problemo. I'm sure it wants to come back home anyway. :lol: I wouldn't want to cause any strife in the household. :-D

Bobby, I'll be making the appropriate arrangements. (And no I don't mean cash!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920


Nice to hear from you Mrs FD.

I will be asking my wife to join, not sure if she will :-/ ....seeing's how she is now my partner in crime over in Japan helping me buy up all of Japan's old stock, she might do it :thumbsup:

We have been adding more and more ladies lately (where's Holly and Walkgirl?) I think it's it helps some of these GORILLA'S behave themselves! :lol: :yes: :thumbsdown:

My wife say's pretty much the same as what allot of guys have reported....."That ones Ugly, That ones too heavy, why does it need so many batteries? Do you really need all these radios?"

But now that she is involved with helping me make purchases and get them delivered to her house in Japan....she seems very happy to play a roll in it all....Of course she's been gone for almost 2 years and hasn't seen the collection lately :-O :lol: ;-)

BTW, are Bobby and your daughter wearing their Japanese T-Shirts?

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:

BTW, are Bobby and your daughter wearing their Japanese T-Shirts?

Actually, I am wearing Bobby's right now. Seems I shrunk it a size or two in the dryer. :blush: But it's nice and comfy for me :-D

And Freddie....that's strictly between you and Bobby....don't go draggin me in it! (But yes, I do wish it would go away)

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Should it meet an untimely demise .... don't look at me :devil: .... even 'if' said demise should follow me tripping over it or stubbing my toe on it (AGAIN) first thing in the morning. :angelic:
Hello - My name is Ellen and I'm an alcoholic... oh wait.. wrong forum... :-P
Lets try this again.. Hello - My name is Ellen aka Mrs Lasonic TRC-920. (and no, I'm not an alcoholic). I can't believe he got me to join... I'm apparently here to support Lasonic TRC-920's boombox habit... I mean hobby.. :breakdance:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
YAYYYY!! Welcome aboard Mrs. LTRC920! It's nice to see another wife support her [strike]child[/strike] husband in his hobby. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Rumor has it that you will be quite busy in a few months. :-D
:hmmm: I wonder why I'd be so busy in the next few months.. Oh I know, it's the hobby that I just got into - collecting boomboxes.. :thumbsup: :-D
Oh, the things we do for our husbands.. :smooch:


Member (SA)
Welcome Mrs. fD! This is really a cool idea...
My wife neither supports nor objects (but then again, I'm not a super-collector, either...), she just doesn't quite get it! So I guess that's not a bad thing.
Look forward to more posts from you!


Member (SA)
Great thread. Glad to hear the wives speak up. Now if I can get myt wife Kathy to chime in. I better wait till she's in a better mood. :-P


Staff member
Mrs. Fatdog said:
Should it meet an untimely demise .... don't look at me :devil: .... even 'if' said demise should follow me tripping over it or stubbing my toe on it (AGAIN) first thing in the morning. :angelic:

See...I'm all about marital bliss! And given that I'm in Madison during the week I can just skip on up there grab the JVC and give your toes the relief they need!!! And save Bobby further strife...and save his hiney from the wife!!!! :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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