Mrs. Fatdog here.
After all the dinners and shows that have been interupted by "hang on honey, I gotta check this auction"; after all the side trips to thrift & junk stores to "see what they have"; and the the COUNTLESS deliveries of over-sized boxes that arrive on our doorsteps week after week.... I thought to myself that the "Sisterhood of the Boomboxery" a.k.a "The Wives of the Brotherhood" needed a voice, so I started my own thread.
Fret not, boys, this is not a thread to vent or trash you, but a chance for us to band together and rejoice "in all things that go BOOM". And I just bet there are wives out there like me that want to brag when 'we' find the extra special boombox at a yard sale for $5.
Let's hear it ladies!
~ Paula
Mrs. Fatdog here.
After all the dinners and shows that have been interupted by "hang on honey, I gotta check this auction"; after all the side trips to thrift & junk stores to "see what they have"; and the the COUNTLESS deliveries of over-sized boxes that arrive on our doorsteps week after week.... I thought to myself that the "Sisterhood of the Boomboxery" a.k.a "The Wives of the Brotherhood" needed a voice, so I started my own thread.
Fret not, boys, this is not a thread to vent or trash you, but a chance for us to band together and rejoice "in all things that go BOOM". And I just bet there are wives out there like me that want to brag when 'we' find the extra special boombox at a yard sale for $5.
Let's hear it ladies!
~ Paula