Sisterhood of the Boomboxery

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Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)

Mrs. Fatdog here.

After all the dinners and shows that have been interupted by "hang on honey, I gotta check this auction"; after all the side trips to thrift & junk stores to "see what they have"; and the the COUNTLESS deliveries of over-sized boxes that arrive on our doorsteps week after week.... I thought to myself that the "Sisterhood of the Boomboxery" a.k.a "The Wives of the Brotherhood" needed a voice, so I started my own thread.

Fret not, boys, this is not a thread to vent or trash you, but a chance for us to band together and rejoice "in all things that go BOOM". And I just bet there are wives out there like me that want to brag when 'we' find the extra special boombox at a yard sale for $5.

Let's hear it ladies!

~ Paula


Member (SA)
:hi: Hi Mrs. Fatdog!
My mom could easily join this - she hates me coming from the flea market every sunday with all kinds of boombox junk :lol:
But since she is not too good with computers, I am gonna chime in for her. :-P

So far she did not find the one and only grail. But she actually said she likes the Lasonic 975 :w00t: :lol:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
In Fatdog's case, I'm not sure if 'the Holy Grail' truly exists. At one point I was told with a straight face "This Sharp GF777 is it, babe" Well, that was 100 some odd or so boxes ago, and we now have several 'its'. I 'think' he is still on search for a Conion maybe. I just tell him whenever I see anything that isn't a 'crappy clamshell'. Found a Panasonic RX5050 this morning....not sure if it's worth anything yet though.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey YOU!

Finally get to meet the brains of the operation :lol: .

Welcome, even though you have been here from the start. ;-)


Member (SA)
:hi: :hi: :hi: mrs fatdog
:agree: the ladies need a voice in this male dominated site :thumbsup:
:sadno: my girlfriend surely has enough of boombox talk, fleamarkets, thrift shops,..., so i know she wont gather
but from time to time i throw in some pictures of her too :-D

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Hey YOU!

Finally get to meet the brains of the operation :lol: .

Welcome, even though you have been here from the start. ;-)

"The Brains" :agree: ...let's not forget, the beauty too :lol: ...or as I like to call it...."the whole package"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mrs. Fatdog said:
I 'think' he is still on search for a Conion maybe.
Actually, baby, it's the Helix HX-4635. ;-)

I should have known you were serious about the whole Sisterhood thing and Mrs. Fatdog. :lol:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Mrs. Fatdog said:
I 'think' he is still on search for a Conion maybe.
Actually, baby, it's the Helix HX-4635. ;-)

I should have known you were serious about the whole Sisterhood thing and Mrs. Fatdog. :lol:

:sad: It was a Conion at one point though, right?

Fret not love, it won't last I'm sure....I'll pop in every now and again :smooch:

:huh: Was that link I sent you 'worthy' ?


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Mrs. Fatdog said:
I 'think' he is still on search for a Conion maybe.
Actually, baby, it's the Helix HX-4635. ;-)

I should have known you were serious about the whole Sisterhood thing and Mrs. Fatdog. :lol:

Mrs. Fatdog. I think you have one chromosome too much to understand out male mind with boomboxes :lol:
1 and a half years ago, it was THE GF-/// which was the most awesome thing for me.
Now I own 25-30 boxes and the grail of grails is my Conion C100. :dunce:
And the M90 is about to take its place and when I get my discolite, this might be the one and only...
If we say "THE one", we actually mean "The one (I will play with today or want to buy next)" ;-)

And with respect I have to say there are much worse habits to waste money for like smoking and drinking. Boombox collecting is addicing too but it does not harm the health. Music feeds the soul :lol: .

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
Mrs. Fatdog. I think you have one chromosome too much to understand out male mind with boomboxes :lol:

That 'extra' chromosome allows me to not only understand my man's needs, but also provides the ability to help facilitate the fulfillment of said needs and the patience to keep us both sane in the process. And I am certain I'm not the only woman supporting of the habit....therefore....."The Sisterhood" was born :cool:


Member (SA)
Mrs. Fatdog said:
mmcodomino said:
Mrs. Fatdog. I think you have one chromosome too much to understand out male mind with boomboxes :lol:

That 'extra' chromosome allows me to not only understand my man's needs, but also provides the ability to help facilitate the fulfillment of said needs and the patience to keep us both sane in the process. And I am certain I'm not the only woman supporting of the habit....therefore....."The Sisterhood" was born :cool:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Maybe I should convince my mom to join :dunce: :lol:


I Am Legend
cool thread , mrs fatdog :cool: :surf:

my wife hates me-- :'-( :dunce:
and all my boxes -- :thumbsdown: :nonono:

except for the kaboom and the discolite :w00t: :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
I think it's great when your significant other can be interested in the same thing as you :-D Jeannie is so great and understanding, she helps me to go for road trips to get my boxes, she helps me clean and work on then , she listens to me when I talk about them and she has helped me with computer stuff like putting manuals in PDF for Boomboxery and printing some labels for my bbx's. She is so great and I'm thankful everyday I have her on my side :smooch: :thumbsup: :w00t:


Member (SA)
Great thread, but I dare not tell my wife about it because she would just use it to vent her frustrations about my ever changing "final" number of boomboxes I plan on having in my collection. It started at 3 and I am many, many times past that. Her method of lowering my number of boomers is to run them over when I leave them in the path of her large SUV (ie white M70) but I can say for the most part she is supportive... :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
mellymelsr said:
Her method of lowering my number of boomers is to run them over when I leave them in the path of her large SUV (ie white M70) but I can say for the most part she is supportive... :-D
LOL! I don't think any of us will ever forget that one. :lol: :lol:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
mellymelsr said:
Her method of lowering my number of boomers is to run them over when I leave them in the path of her large SUV (/quote]

Oh wow, that IS extreme. When I start tripping over them, I just send them to the inlaws. My MIL falls over herself at any chance to see 'her baby' so she forgets that I am using her place as storage :thumbsup:


Staff member
Mrs. Fatdog said:
mellymelsr said:
Her method of lowering my number of boomers is to run them over when I leave them in the path of her large SUV (/quote]

Oh wow, that IS extreme. When I start tripping over them, I just send them to the inlaws. My MIL falls over herself at any chance to see 'her baby' so she forgets that I am using her place as storage :thumbsup:

And I am a personal witness to the remote storage! :lol:

What took you so long to join Paula! Tunya's been a member here for some time now... :-D

oldskool69's wife

Member (SA)
Hey Paula,

First let me tell you about our date day / time, Saturday mornings…it’s our time to just ‘hang-out’ together. Well Fred’s idea of the ideal hang out activity is hitting every thrift store in a 50 mile radius looking for boom boxes. Of course, he throws in an antique shop or two under the guise of looking for depression era glass for me. On one such occasion we walked into an antique/thrift shop and Fred walked right past a boombox near the front door. I looked at it for a minute thinking that it reminded me of the type of boxes your husband collected and not the three piece units Fred collects. I pointed it out to Fred and he reacted as if I had just handed him a winning lottery ticket. I must admit that I enjoyed his reaction. It’s just that sometimes I would like our going out time to include something other than hunting for boomboxes or antiquities.

Looking forward to our next hunt

La-Tunya :afro:

Oh, I've given up on trying to keep up with the 'great boombox count'. I just try to help him come up with reasons to give them away.
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