show shots of same make boomboxes

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Member (SA)
Superb collection, Geoff!! Love it to bits!
Outstanding examples from the classic manufacturers.

Excellent work all round!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Oh my ****ing god!! Are you ****ing kidding me holy ****ing ****! Is that ****ing real! Are those all ****ing yours! Jesus tapdancing christ! I just jizzed in my ****ing pants! Oh my god........that is hands down the best **** I have ever seen in my life! I am making a pilgrimage to your house. You just made my ****ing day and ruined it at the same time....I will never have all of those.
thanks for sharing man!


Boomus Fidelis
WOW, now you must have either had help or nothin else to do all day :thumbsup: Very sweet looking collection you got there :drool: :drool: Awesome shots too ;-) :-O :-O :-D


Member (SA)
Spectacular collection :cool: :cool:
Let me know when you get tired of the Tosh with the remote control :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Loving it Geoff, thanks for taking all that effort to do those shots.

I've taken advatnage a little today of the weather too...

2's company 3's a Crown!!!



J to the V to the C - C - C



shane higgins

Member (SA)
docs said:
Loving it Geoff, thanks for taking all that effort to do those shots.

I've taken advatnage a little today of the weather too...

2's company 3's a Crown!!!

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J to the V to the C - C - C

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the 90s speakers look trippy iwant speakers like those in my 90 when i get one :sad: :sad: :sad: or two :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
:drool: :drool: :drool:
C'mon skippy, give me a little M70 gift for my birthday (tomorrow :-P ), you have 6 while I don't have neither one. :-P :lol:

Seriously, that marantz's and jvc's are freaking awesome :drool:


Member (SA)
Awesome pics! I love the "family" photos! This could be a great thread:) More pics(myself included)! Silver 550... :drool:
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