Sharp VZ-2000

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Member (SA)

I am very interested in getting a Sharp VZ-2000 Boombox. The vertical turntable looks so cool. Hard to find one in very good cosmetic and working condition. The turntable always appears to have problems related to belts or tracking.

So for anyone who has one can you tell me more about the overall quality?

How is it built compared to a JVC M-70/90?

Sonically how does it compare to a M-70/90?

If the belt is done and the stylus (both) are good or replaced with fresh ones, how does the turntable play and sound for a boom-box TT?

What does a NM VZ-2000 go for?

Does anyone want to sell one here?

That you for your help.


Member (SA) is the easiest place to find them, shipping out of the country is big $$ :thumbsdown:

There is more VZ's in Au than the rest of the world I think, same goes for the Pioneer Disco Robo


Member (SA)
I have a mint VZ2000, and had an M70, but no M90.

Rebelting is not a great issue, but you need to have a bit of patience and time.

As for build...... I would say (given that it possibly has the most moving parts of any boombox) it is the best constructed bit of kit I have outside of a 777 or TDK 3 Speaker. This thing is solid.

Sonic... depends, maybe a little light on impact and I would say an M90 would be way better. The M70 is overrated imho and I would say the VZ gives it a decent run for the money.

hope this helps.


Member (SA)
wowminister thank you for the info. I am sure you want to hold onto you VZ and not sell her.. I think the value of a NM one will just continue to rise in collector circles. If one side plays but the other does not and one has to physically turn over the LP, is that a belts problem or something else?

Any had any tracking problems with you VZ?


Member (SA)
There is a belt for the TT and belts for the needles. I guess its a needle belt that needs changing if the record deck is playing.


Boomus Fidelis
prg333 said:
okay i did Not know there were belts for the needles.

there is a lot of info on these in this right here.


the vz 2000 is my favorite super huge box

great build quality


sound decent

heavy :-D


look bad ass

the sound
very strong mid range with some thump to it .
not bassy but loud
the highs are kinda muted but very balanced
the unit sounds big and loud just not like any other box , i would say it sounds nice meaning not bad but not great just average , but thats better than bad :lol: , in my opinion the box sounds fine and i love it .


Member (SA)
Thank you just missed the one that had original demo pic dic and literate Hope I can get a nice one soon! !
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