Sharp GF 9090

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Staff member
Guess no one's got one they want to comment about. But I just love my GF-9191. I am guessing that they sound the same/similar.


Member (SA)
I have one, really is a nice little box, great looks, great features and nice even sound.
You have to be careful with the decks though as it employs the dreaded grommit of goo on the flywheel method for spinning but it can be fixed effectively.
Overall it is up there as a good unit and very decent radio reception with ultra portability, though it is heavier than it looks.
Go for it if you get the chance.
I would rate sound quality as good to very good.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
the 9090 is say so as good as a good mini
the 9191 is as loud as a 9494 but not as clear (less bass)
still there both a must have
if a m70 is 10 then the 9090 is 5 and the 9191 is 8 and the conion is a 12 and th.....................



shane higgins

Member (SA)
just to add the white speakers in my 777 are from another 9090 and there all the same speck as the origanal 777 speakers
so the speakers in the 9090 can handle the pump it just the amp dont pump


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
just to add the white speakers in my 777 are from another 9090 and there all the same speck as the origanal 777 speakers
so the speakers in the 9090 can handle the pump it just the amp dont pump
So you mean that under those cool "old phone" style grills are hiding cool white speakers ? Wow thats amazing :thumbsup: . Never knew that. Thanks :yes: .


Member (SA)
Hi redbenjoe,

I would call this a nicely balanced box. It goes loud for its size and listening to it makes you realise why from 8585 upwards, the Sharps really do have something going for them. It is less heavier than a 9494 and will not generate fatigue when you carry it. Worth adding I would say. Oh, it has very good tape playback I find......

I had thought they were bigger than what they are, if that makes sense...?!?







Sorry the pics are a bit dark




Member (SA)
Are there multiple versions of the 9090? I see one with rotary-phone-styled grills, and one with white speakers with black caps.
I like them both though :)

Lasonic TRC-920

Great thread...Great pictures!

Thanks for the detailed info! It helps me decide which to buy.....

I think they them all.... :lol: :yes:

Yeah, what gives on the two different speaker grills?


Boomus Fidelis
Retro Addict said:
Stretch said:
Are there multiple versions of the 9090?
There is a cool looking black version...

[ Image ]

.. on a nice white LADA in my garden :lol:
thanks retro :thumbsup:

The best on this box was the price (got it on flea) :blush:

Quite good sounding quality.
But i gave up on rebelting my silver one :'-(
So when you are going to get one, look for a working tapedrive :-)


Member (SA)
The 9090 one of the most bad ass boomboxes around, original industrial stylings fantastic quality build and fabric speakers.

Sometimes I see them go on for big-money sometimes I a bargain that's the way these things role especially at summertime the price can get high.

I would deathly recommend one, my own has quite a lot of mileage on it from partying and surf trips but that's what I bought it for a daily Boomer!


Boomus Fidelis
I like the 9090 better than the 9191 because it only has a single volume slider........not 2 like the 9191. I can't stand dual volume sliders.


Member (SA)
im on to my second one now-got it just yesterday-my original went to another collector a couple of years back.heres a mini review,based on my interpretation of quality.....
this smaller sharp model has a terrific look,what with those nice big 16cm speakers,silver finish and plethora of functions atop,it has what it takes to be mean.....wether used inside or on the street
this machine is a fantastic sounding unit.the bass is nice and deep and warm and there are plenty of crisp trebles should you want to mellow it down a little bit.generally speaking very pleasing to the ear indeed.
this model is the finest quality box ever produced by sharp-everything is so well screwed together,and its a heavy unit,so have no doubts about it this is one quality unit indeed.
after owning the 9090,8585,and 9191 now there is no way id chose any other.its got to be a 9.5 0ut of ten.easy.
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