Sharp GF 800 in silver!!

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Superduper said:
...Freddie, the Sansui SP-5500x have SPL in the, what, 99db range? A teeny realistic transistor radio would sound loud hooked up to those... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your are referring to the speakers efficiency range. And yes they are a breath away from what would be cosidered optimal efficiency. What I was referring to was how they sounded via the 939z. :-D

(But you have given me a thought on hooking up my tiny realistic transistor radio just to see... :lol: :lol: :lol: )


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The point I was trying to make was that even weak amps will sound big when the speakers are that efficient, and the classic luau grilled Sansui's of that era were amongst (if not THE) most efficient loudspeakers ever offered. A couple of the larger woof'd ones were over 100db! That same amp when connected to speakers having 83db SPL rating would sound anemic because it won't have the power to push them to loud levels. I love those Sansui speakers so much I have 4 or 5 sets, although none are connected to anything right now.. :lol: :lol:


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oldskool69 said:
Superduper said:
..I love those Sansui speakers so much I have 4 or 5 sets, although none are connected to anything right now.. :lol: :lol:

Shame on you! :nonono: :nonono: :nonono: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look who's talking..... (2), count 'em, (2) CP-7's. Comeon, save some for the rest of us, why don't cha.... :lol: :lol:


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Superduper said:
...Look who's talking..... (2), count 'em, (2) CP-7's. Comeon, save some for the rest of us, why don't cha.... :lol: :lol:

I'm greedy according to some folks at other places remember? :lol:

Shame on you for not having them hooked up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have some SP-20 Bookshelf speaker as well. :-D


Staff member
oldskool69 said:
Superduper said:
...Look who's talking..... (2), count 'em, (2) CP-7's. Comeon, save some for the rest of us, why don't cha.... :lol: :lol:

Shame on you for not hooking them up............I have some SP-20 Bookshelf speaker as well. :-D

I'm trying to get outta the home gear stuff. But too much sentimental value to get rid of them. I find it sooo hard to let them go. And you know, some of mine including the G-9000's, G-901, 9090db, etc are sooo beautiful, they almost look like gem quality works of art.

The smallest Sansui I have are SP-100's.
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