Sharp gf 575E or a JVC M70

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Member (SA)
Hi all,

Want to get some opinions on which boombox sounds better...Or are the relatively similar?

Please let me know what you think.


I Am Legend
welcome :yes:

they both sound terrific at up to medium volumes
the 575 is a bit 'crispier'
the m70 will blow it away at high volumes


Member (SA)
What about in terms of bass.. I understand the m70 to be really good. Whats the 575 like?
And is it there that much of a difference at high volume?



Staff member
The M70 is simply a more powerful BOOMBOX. Like RBJ said, the 575 is crispier and can be listened to for along periods of time yet not subject the listener to "listener-fatigue". The 575 has dual semi-soft touch control deck with tape to tape copy feature. M70 has manual tape keys. If you have the M70 already, the 575 is a great addition. If you can get only 1, get the M70 and get a good one (not a fixer).


Member (SA)
Thanks again for the reply..

and as far as the bass in the sharp gf 575.. is there any "boom"?

shane higgins

Member (SA)
if these boxes are around $100 each get them both
the m70 is a must have
the 575 is very classy in white what do they call the white one again 7800 or some thing
go the m70 first then the 575 you will not be sorry


Well-Known Member
Staff member
shane higgins said:
if these boxes are around $100 each get them both
the m70 is a must have

^^^^ Yeah, good luck finding one for that price or less :-/ :no:


Member (SA)
don' t know what the other sounds like as i don't have one - BUT ! I do have a sweet M70 that i have just cleaned up :devil: - full thread soon :w00t:


grab a good M70 and you won't be dissapointed in the sound :breakdance:


Member (SA)
M70 all day long. To me it is the perfect box and gives you the best balance of what most look for in a boombox. It has great sound, lots of power, good battery life, and is light enough to carry or you have the strap option. Good luck finding one anywhere near $100.


Member (SA)
:lol: :lol: not going to say what i got mine for :lol:

I got all these bar the sharp black box and and M70 a V2000 thrown - all for a Mounitian bike frame - the MTB frame i got for £10 - so 5 boxes for £10



the bargins are out there, you just need to think how to go about it - poster's - cards in shops - flyer the old towns - ask on different web sites that you are on

have think what you have to offer the person you are trying to deal with - the guy i got my boxes from is into bikes - the guy i got my 777 from is into camera gear - cost not very much at all :cool:

you don't always have to spend big bucks - just be good at hunting them down :ls-duel: :boba:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
:lol: :lol: not going to say what i got mine for :lol:

I got all these bar the sharp black box and and M70 a V2000 thrown - all for a Mounitian bike frame - the MTB frame i got for £10 - so 5 boxes for £10

[ Image ]
[ Image ]

the bargins are out there, you just need to think how to go about it - poster's - cards in shops - flyer the old towns - ask on different web sites that you are on

have think what you have to offer the person you are trying to deal with - the guy i got my boxes from is into bikes - the guy i got my 777 from is into camera gear - cost not very much at all :cool:

you don't always have to spend big bucks - just be good at hunting them down :ls-duel: :boba:
:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:


Member (SA)
Thanks guys for all of that...

so anyone know where I could get a jvc m70?!!
Anyone looking to sell one.. that is in great working order and in great condition?
How much shouldI expect to pay?


Boomus Fidelis
i know the m70 will kick it's ass but the 575 is a nice sounding very well built box .





thanks to norm for this nice box :yes: .


Staff member
JVC Floyd said:
i know the m70 will kick it's ass but the 575 is a nice sounding very well built box ................
thanks to norm for this nice box :yes: .
:agree: I miss that box and wishing I had it back. It sure sounds sweet if not overdriven. :yes:


Member (SA)
is that the gf 575 you are refering to?
Is it that bad when turned up loud? Whats the bass like on it?

Anyone know or wanting to sell a JVC M70?


Staff member
Overdriven is the operative word here. When cranked too high with bass all the way up, MANY boomboxes will distort so nothing unusual here. As for amount of bass, it's not bad but if that's all you care about, even the M70 is not gonna satisfy you. Get the JVC kaboom in that case. Anyhow bass is subjective and not easy to express in quantifiable terms. You'll just have to listen and determine on your own. I'd say average.


Member (SA)

no certainly not all i am after, Just a god sunding box. I really like the look of the gf 575, but I also like the sound and classic look of the JVC M70.

If anyone knows where I could find one.. let me know..



I Am Legend
send a PM to member blasterpunk in germany --

out of our entire membership --
he seems to have the biggest selection of good boxes for sale


Staff member
I have several available, but shipping costs to Europe kills the deal like RBJ says. Not sure what the going rate for them is in Europe but might've able to get better deal locally to you.


Member (SA)
Thanks for the tip! Ill send him a message

How much would you sell the, for ignoring the postage at this stage..
and what sort of condition are they in?
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