Sharp 767 Loud or just looks Loud.

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Member (SA)
Hi Friends.
Yes - I found an excuse to post! Ok - the Sharp 767. I'm wondering if anyone knows the output speaker wattage and, most importantly, is this box loud?
It looks fierce with all them speakers, but - it doesn't seem loud enough. The speakers are not blown, the volume pot is fine, all controls work properly.. It's just not loud and it's not kicking the bass I'd expect.


Member (SA)
Thanks for the reply. I don't think it's the amp, but it could be.. It's so strange, everything's consistent, both channels behaving, balance correct. It gets loud, but not as beefy loud as my JVC RCM70.


No Longer Active
restocat said:
odd. I had the 777 once and it was very loud, even with 1 missing woofer.

777's are very loud but it's bass output is sloppy, in my opinion... A 767 shouldn't be much different.


No Longer Active
Yeah, they are impressive looking boxes, and you'd think that four 6" woofers would put out some deep bass, but turning up those "Super Woofer" controls don't make the box sound good to me... It's like the woofers can't handle the bass. :sadno:


Member (SA)
How are you running it: AC plug or DC adaptor?

Did you try wiggling every connector/switch and seeing if the sound 'pops' in? I had that in a cfs-77 once, I had to push up the r/l sp jack to get the sound right.

Did you verify that when balance is all left or all right the bass is still bad?

These are just simple suggestions until the real techs arrive with a response. :lol:


Staff member
It's loud but nowhere near the loudest. Loud to one person might not be very loud to someone else.

So without knowing what your expectations are, it's hard to say if it's normal or not. What is loud, and how to we quantify or put it into perspective?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
From what I have read, the 767,777,etc.. are not bass boxes but are geared more to be a rock box. These things slam rock music like no other box I have heard. If it's bass you want, then you need to try another boomer. Perhaps a C-100F, Wheely, or a M90?


Staff member
There is a box out there called a kaboom. It's ugly as sin, and if Princess Leia had an M70, Darth would own the kaboom.

It aint called the kaboom for nothin.


Member (SA)
I have a GF-767 and it's loud!
First off I would suspect the speakers.
Mine sounded OK but when I replaced 1 side with newer,better-not torn-up woofers it sounds much louder & better! :yes:
Also-clean your pots!! If their not really clean-it won't put out as much volume.
Then I would check your amps after you've cleaned and checked by hooking up a better speaker maybe.
Good-luck with yours-it's basically the same as the 777 except the inner woofers don't have adjustment.
Have a good one-GB. :-) :yes:


Member (SA)
Gracias for the replies!
It makes perfect sense that this is kinda a "rock box". All the pots are clean & speakers are intact.... I'll take a closer look when I open 'er up tomorrow.


Member (SA)
777 story time:
i live in the downtown area of my city. on the loudest block. in fact this block itself creates 10x more noise than any where else in this town. the day I got my first 777 I was on my roof, a tall three stories up. there was construction happening on the street, street performers playing buckets, guitars etc. at 6pm in the middle of the afternoon on a friday during all this noise i had an irate cop banging on my door. my roommate answered it. she wasn't happy telling him to turn the music down. she demanded she was let in to go on my roof or she was 'coming back with friends.' she stormed on my roof with a gang of curse words and an attitude I've never seen on anyone on the clock. she demanded i turned down my radio. no joke there were constuction workers jack hammering the sidewalk under my roof ledge on the street. she was extremely emotional. in fact i had to repeatedly ask her to calm down. this is a 100% true story with not a slight bit of stretch. so if your 767 sounds quiet, I would think something is wrong.


Member (SA)
I have noticed that not many classic boxes likes modern electronic music. For example the 9696 has too much mids and high bass.

I would recommend kaboom/boomblaster if you find cheap one.

Just got this for 15euros:


Kaboom looks ugly but sound better than i expected.


Boomus Fidelis
i had a 777 which i loved very much and hopefully will find one even if i have to trade my beater m90 for one :w00t: ,, but the truth is to me it was a awesome sounding box i even used it for a grauation party that wanted it loud so i cranked it up with my other stuff i had and i had no problems for about 4 hours of continus music and using a mic though it as a pa ..... :yes: :yes: :-)


Member (SA)
I've owned all the sharps including the the jap versions and i compared many with each other....i still have my 777 i had since 1985.....the 767 i had once punched very hard even without the super woofer controls which it doesn't have and it was in tip top shape....i loved the sound of it very original 777 lately has that the rubbery bass syndrome you speak of "sometimes".... ....but loud....all the jap ones i had the 909 /919/ 999/ 1000 all had the hard hitting punchy 80s me i think its the age and cleaning of the pods or replacing? is what affects the 777 series or perhaps replacement of new speakers maybe as well.....


Member (SA)
I uncovered the box and found a loose solder joint on one of the volume pot legs. I re-soldered and man! We're back in action. However, the bass is there, but not as savory as my JVC. BUT - now it's LOUD.
Thanks for the tips. We're back in action with some Clash & Prince Jammy Dubs!
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