Seeking a 'Big Power' sticker for M90...

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Member (SA)
No more decal designing for me fo awhile, my OCD kicks in when trying to get the details right. I have my templates so if there is demand I'll do a run. The Big Power decal comes next Friday July 8th. Now...I need to chill with Netflix and those final 2 episodes of Stranger Things.


Member (SA)
Would really like to print the 40W decal but I don’t have the dough to take a chance on more money to front the endeavor. Please leave a comment to this thread if you are interested. I would charge $10 plus shipping for either the Big Power or 40W decal sticker. I could do Paypal or Venmo ( oops, almost wrote BevMo). I am a very honest person. I would prob get in trouble w/ eBay because of copyright, who knows.


Member (SA)
Got an idea, if I sell enough of the Big Power Decals to recoup some costs I’ll run 10 of the 40W decal . The wife hates my deliveries and the neighbors think I’m building laser weapons or something.
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Member (SA)
Why were there two different stickers?
The "Big Power" seems like the more common of the two.


Member (SA)
After some deep consideration, I have decided to gift hi-resolution PNG versions of both the Big Power and 40W reproduction decals I made to those of you who need it. It was not my personal design but a re-creation and I feel it is the right thing to do. My version has some things I know that are particular to the decals so if I see it being sold I’ll know where it originated from. So, in honor of the founding OG, Fat Dog, The 4th of July and Almighty God I am going to separately post them. I have 10 being printed by since they offer low run prices but the smallest they print is 1” so the original dimensions were: Big Power (1022x281 pixels at 300 dpi or 3.41x 0.94 which I had printed at 3.41”x1”) and 40W (1015x234 pixels at 300 Dpi). The sizing isn’t perfect but they should work. I’ll be holding on to my 10 copies for nostalgia sake.

To the owners of Boomboxery, feel free to shut my posts down at your discretion. Stand by!

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