Scored BIG Time...Another Super Sunday! (Pics)

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Member (SA)
OMG! (OH MY GORDIE!) Congratulations man! AGAIN. LOL. I love the dedication! We need a video already. I want to see the great wall of C100's :-)


Member (SA)
I was having a crappy I came here to raise my spirits. Biiiig mistake.
Nice score dickhead.


Member (SA)
-GZ- said:
I was having a crappy I came here to raise my spirits. Biiiig mistake.
Nice score dickhead.
:lol: :tease: :thumbsup:

***I just thought about something...there is an IGNORE button prevents you from seeing certain members posts...i think you could put it to good use as of now :lol:



Member (SA)
gsbadbmr said:
:lol: :tease: :thumbsup:

***I just thought about something...there is an IGNORE button prevents you from seeing certain members posts...i think you could put it to good use as of now :lol:

Oh trust me, I've thought about it.
But my love and respect for ya outweighs my self hatred for not owning a properly working hundo.


Member (SA)
-GZ- said:
Oh trust me, I've thought about it.
But my love and respect for ya outweighs my self hatred for not owning a properly working hundo.
:lol: Oh man you crack me up i always look forward to your posts...Boomboxery wouldn't be the same without you :clap:


Member (SA)
Wow now we know for sure where the extra mass production of C-100's went.

It's official Canada is the "Boombox Museum" you guys got everything and I mean everything! :weed:

If I hit the Lottery I'm moving there.


Member (SA)
ford93 said:
Wow now we know for sure where the extra mass production of C-100's went.

It's official Canada is the "Boombox Museum" you guys got everything and I mean everything! :weed:

If I hit the Lottery I'm moving there.
One thing about Canada, IS that we have good medicare AND lots of well preserved boxes :-D

systemaddict said:
Unbelievable :drool:

static2000g said:
pretty soon you'll be able to use them like legos! lol Keep it up!
Instead of a "house of cards"...i can do a "house of Conions" :lol:

blu_fuz said:
I beg to differ! :lol: :smooch:
Nah man -GZ-'s posts are too funny...he reminds me of the old member from S2G "metad"...they have a similar post style :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Greg is dying for a working C100. He has one, but it got fried so all he has is a paperweight. I really feel for him but not much I can do.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Greg is dying for a working C100. He has one, but it got fried so all he has is a paperweight. I really feel for him but not much I can do.
Ohh...i didn't know his was dead it not repairable? There was a good parts box that sold cheap recently!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
gsbadbmr said:

I saw that, but "Powers up no sound" is a deal breaker for me to try and get Greg's fixed. He needs one that is beat up but fully or nearly fully working.


Member (SA)
You know that could be part of your little nest egg for your retirement. If you tally up those Conions you got to have a value of what 10 G's or more.


Member (SA)
ford93 said:
You know that could be part of your little nest egg for your retirement. If you tally up those Conions you got to have a value of what 10 G's or more.
10 G's doesn't even get you 10 mint C-100's if you are buying on e-Bay :lol:


Member (SA)
nz boom said:
i dont fell so bad now haveing 3 of the same conions :lol:
I have one of those, but mine's a Helix :thumbsup:
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