redbenjoe said:
yikes !!!
frank --
what a POS
DIBS --as is -- right NOW --serious - meet ya 1/2 way.....
---like the 3rd ranger station on alligator alley
But Ira, isnt this what you consider to be mint condition???
Seriously though every thing works including the decks , even record and
auto reverse.
I got all the stickers off the top with some goo gone and looks a bit better now.
Once i get all the paint specs off and give it a bath I will decide weather or not I will paint the entire box.
Its looks like im leaning in that direction but I wont be able to do so until it warms up out.
Glue so far as the Novus is concerned it will remove haze and very fine scratches. Dont expect miracles
on deeper scratches as thats not what the product will fix.
I usually will apply the product with a soft microfiber cloth and work it on in circles. I usually dont apply alot
of pressure and let the product do most of the work. It does take some time to get satisfactory results though
you just have to have patience.
There is no science as to how long to work with any one of the three products, I just use my eye and decide
when to move on to the next level of the product.
Starting with the the number 3 product which is the heavy product then to the fine product and finally the cleaner
is usually the order I use them in.
Then I will finish off with an automotive grade polish /glaze for a really nice shine.