save ONLY 3 !!!!

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Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
like NOBODY needs two of those :-D

(unless they fight or screw)

That deserves the "Quote of the Week" award. :w00t:

IF we had one of those of course... :yes:

Thanks for the laugh Ira! Good to be laughing with you for a change... ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
sanyo 9998 -- from uncle ed
pioneer sk900 -- from erniejade
pioneer ck5 --combo from lopez and prime

i made these choices --based on how hard/long
it might be to replace them :-)
soory pick another free one those are to heavy for you , you are only allowed 3 minis :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
AZA said:
redbenjoe said:
aaron --whats a pioneer c7 ?

Im sorry to say i havent found a new and exciting Pioneer,
wish i had though !! Pioneer J-7 = Disco Robo.
The box is what i would want to save the most so maybe i could
take out the Disco Robo and throw in my GF 9696 instead, i would
prefer to save that !

i had two i only have one now and it needs the speakers refoamed and the rubber membrane sourced out.
the belt and hmm lets see the handle is cracked but glued together for now its holding pretty good.
when they are working there is really nothing that will blow your mind more than a fully functioning disco robo pumping out the sound from those tiny little full range drivers.
really a incredible boombox. i gotta get mine fixed.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
well joel ,
i was ssserious--
WTF would any member do with TWO of those things ??
:huh: :-O :lol:

i only have one of them now.
i think tho if i remember correctly these were made to be daisy chained together if one wished . i think up to eight of them could be put together.
and would it ever make for a amazingly loud pa.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
distant memory says the member bill of canada has a few of those disco robos
not sure :-)

send him a PM -
like NOBODY needs two of those :-D

(unless they fight or screw)

sorry ira they didnt screw and nor could one screw one of them either.
i mean even with a dress on they just arent that attractive in that manner. :lol: :lol: :lol:
i did once catch one of the kabooms trying to screw it tho.
the robo disco just seemed unintrested and aloof.
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
my hitachi 8190,sharp gf 9090 and proline stx2000-i have the panasonic with the xbs central woofer too so it would be a toss up between those last 2!


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
distant memory says the member bill of canada has a few of those disco robos
not sure :-)

send him a PM -
like NOBODY needs two of those :-D

(unless they fight or screw)

Im up to five robo's now, don't let them get wet or feed them after midnight :-D

Stuntman Mike

Member (SA)
From my Collection at the Moment it would be these:
1. Sharp GF-767
2. Crown CSC-850L
3. Gold Star TSR-800

I like big Boxes and would even leave my smaller Minties back. :sin:
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