Saturday March 17th meet at my place!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
PM me for my phone number and address if you want to go.

I should have food and some beverages (not sure what yet :lol: ). You are welcome to bring what you like :yes: .

I'm pretty sure that we will have the meet in the garage just because it will be easier for loading/unloading boomboxes. The "boom room" on the 3rd floor is available for anyone to snoop around in or to play with Joel's boomboxes that are stashed here :lol: .


Come on down (or up) :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Str?nj-B??mb?ks said:
If you have Root Beer and Corn Dogs (with lots of mustard) I'm in.... :drool:
Can't find any of the two here :'-(
I you come,I'll guarantee we'll get you anything you want to eat!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :yes: :yes: :yes:
skippy1969 said:
gsbadbmr said:
I hope you guys get some video footage of the meet...would be "kewl" for us all to see :thumbsup:

Good idea! we'll see what we can do for you......
And if you include a Root Beer and a Corn Dog in the video I'd appreciate it VERY MUCH...
Oh man, I need a serious dose of U.S. of A.
skippy1969 said:
Str?nj-B??mb?ks said:
If you have Root Beer and Corn Dogs (with lots of mustard) I'm in.... :drool:
Can't find any of the two here :'-(
I you come,I'll guarantee we'll get you anything you want to eat!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :yes: :yes: :yes:
That's awesome bro!!! Thanks, I so wish I could be there....
I'd bring my imported Nintendo Family and we'd play some games!!!


Boomus Fidelis
Sorry guys can't make it :sad: .............................not :lol: we need more Midwesterners :thumbsup: so what ya need me to bring :-D


Boomus Fidelis
baddboybill said:
Sorry guys can't make it :sad: .............................not :lol: we need more Midwesterners :thumbsup: so what ya need me to bring :-D

Holy ****,at first when I read this I thought you weren't coming....... :huh: :annoyed: :thumbsdown:
I thought I was going to have to come down and steal all your boxes....... :bang: :stereo: :jason:
Bring all my junk with you and go yeah that crappy Studio 1 you don't want anymore........LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
on St Patty's Day!?! :'-(
damn! supposed to go out with a few buddies and a bunch of girls all day on saturday....
then again im goin back to work this i might be workin....
i'll be a last minute rsvp.....
but i reall wanna see that 920!!! dont know if bill or skippy has it guys and your boombox swappin!
sounds like fun...i'll let you know, joe


Well-Known Member
Staff member
make it if you can :yes:

Not sure what I will be cooking for the day. I might actually pre-cook everything the night before so I don't have to deal with it when everyone is over.

Stranj, buddy, wish you were in the USA already :lol: . Rootbeer and corn dogs, you are funny :w00t: :yes: :-P


I Am Legend
would be nice -- for a change - if 1 or 2 of you clowns
finally bring some decent boxes to your meets ...
( like in case any of you have one )
:-P :lol:

:lol: :-P


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
would be nice -- for a change - if 1 or 2 of you clowns
finally bring some decent boxes to your meets ...
( like in case any of you have one )
:-P :lol:

:lol: :-P
Hey I am bringing my bestest boomer, my Coby :-O :lol: :lol:
blu_fuz said:
make it if you can :yes:
Stranj, buddy, wish you were in the USA already :lol: . Rootbeer and corn dogs, you are funny :w00t: :yes: :-P
Hey thanks brother... I wish that too... hopefully sooner than later I'll be living in the States...
Didn't you know that the original corn dogs, known as "Corny Dogs," debuted in 1942 at the Texas State Fair. Tasty Root Beer Dogs are an update of a classic recipe: They get their tasty twist from root beer soda, which makes the batter lighter and more flavorful!
Anyways I love corn dogs and root beer separately or in "Corny Dog" Style... Hehehehe!


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
would be nice -- for a change - if 1 or 2 of you clowns
finally bring some decent boxes to your meets ...
( like in case any of you have one )
:-P :lol:

:lol: :-P
id bring my telefunken cr8200 but it has a broken antenna and the 5 pin din input doesnt work too well....
know anything about that old man? :-P
wish i had gotten one of your "2 minty ones".... :'-(

i'll definitely bring my new mini and the tele...other than that yall have already seen everything i got....

then again.....cant go wrong with a minty m90...sad when thats not impressive enough anymore...
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