As many of you know, I have obtained a lovely Sanyo M-X650K on the very cheap. (One of the reasons "I suck".

) Unfortunately, it also came a little battered and bruised.

The good news is that the internals are actually pretty clean.

The cassette head looks like it may be in trouble though.
There was plenty of dirt and grime so a bath she was needin'. I have broken it down and love the simplicity of this box. As a understand it is the kissin' cousin to the Aiwa CS-770. And looking at the guts from both tells me it's true, not just the layout of the face.
Ira had one of these sometime ago and like he tends to do had a senile moment and sold it back in '08 if my memory serves me right.
Here are the progress pics...
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Notice no fuses. This will be corrected.
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There is still some body work to do as it has a couple of dings I can't let slide in the cassette door and upper left corner. I am going to mold the missing knobs and work on the internals getting those cleaned up. I will do very little painting as I kinda like 'em to look as if they had some life and weren't "shelf queens". Besides, the graphics screened on this makes it a tough sell anyway. I will do some touch up here and there though.
Check back for updates!