rx-5150 tweeters

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Member (SA)
Greetings my fellow b.box enthusiasts.I was wondering if anyone knows the ohms of the factory tweeters in the Panasonic rx-5150?Also has anybody upgraded their 5150's tweeters and if so what brand did you use.Thanks in advance.😀


Boomus Fidelis
Dunno, but the 5250 sounds way better than the 5150. Way better treble, even though it's almost the same boombox. Not sure if the speakers are different, I'll have to open them up.


Staff member
5250 has cone tweeters. 5150 has piezo's which aren't rated for impedance, not important really. Normally when working, they probably sound alright, if a bit harsh as Piezos go. However by now, they have usually failed so installing real tweets will be an improvement.


Member (SA)
Thanks superduper and others.So the woofers in 5150 are 3ohm.Do the replacement tweets have to be as well?As I am finding 4 and 6 ohm tweeters,would either be alright?As far as replacements go?


Boomus Fidelis
The tweeters seem exactly the same to me. Right down to the model number printed on the back. 3FP03A.




Boomus Fidelis
By the way, the service manual says the 5150 tweeters are 1300 ohm and the 5250 tweeters are 200 ohm. But they're the exact same tweeter. :huh:

Must be a difference in the way they're wired up. 1300 ohm explains why the 5150 tweets don't produce much sound. WTF was Panasonic thinking?


Member (SA)
Yep Reli they do apeare to be the exact same type of animal.So I was wondering about the replacing of them with 4 or 6 ohm paper cone type tweets.Wadda ya think?Thanks:)


Boomus Fidelis
Couldn't help you with that decision. You'd likely need to figure out what kind of caps to add as well.


Staff member
Just run them through 3.3uf or 4.7uf, or try both. Can't go wrong there. Probably 95% of boombox tweets are filtered through either 3.3 or 4.7 bipolar electrolytics. You can try 6.8 or maybe even 10's if the tweets are large, but in boomboxes, we just don't employ tweeters that large and you don't want to pass that signals far down the audio spectrum allowed by the larger uf caps on those small tweets.

Reli, didn't know that the 5250 had those. I could have swore that when I had my 5250 apart, mine had cone tweeters but then again, I'm just going by memory and that's not so hot nowadays. I did look at the service manual and the 5250 lists the tweets as ceramic which is probably why they are 200 ohms. The 5150 might be Piezos which is why they have higher impedance. I know that most all Piezos I've seen that are 30 years old produces NO audible sound, so as I said, while they might have sounded fine when new, most now are for all practical purposes, inoperable. Maybe ceramic is more durable than piezo, or maybe they are similar/same technology. I also believe that the 5250 tweets will not interchange with the 5150 if memory (again, poor) serves me correct. It has to do with mounting differences. Or perhaps once again, I'm mistaken, lol. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened.


Boomus Fidelis
ralrein1 said:
I mean Superduper.I can't figure out how to edit my posts.
if you look in the lower right corner of the reply box you will see the edit post tab , just click on that and you can edit what you typed in .
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