Next week is Xmas, and we have no thread for Boomboxes & Christmas trees.
I know we used to do this up to a couple of years ago. Post 'em up, people! I know some folks like Joe have had their tree & radio shots up already, well, here's everyone's chance. Boomboxes & Menorahs are cool, too, along with proper festive Kwanza decorations, etc.
I know some households celebrate multiple events. Personally, seeing someone else display joy for another faith or culture doesn't change my relationship with my God one bit. Don't see why it should be a big deal. So all you Festivus party animals, drag out something loud & large and let's get this started!

Anything is a good excuse to show off your boomers!
Even better if the box is an actual gift, killing two birds with one cassette, so to speak.
I'll start.

Anything is a good excuse to show off your boomers!

Even better if the box is an actual gift, killing two birds with one cassette, so to speak.
I'll start.