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Member (SA)
New board, new chance to be better!

We now know it would be risky to buy or sell anything from or to him, so I say thats good enough!

Just my .02, then again... my theory is to forgive and to forget.. life is short.


Member (SA)
Yes,Jens also alerted me @ i p/m'd Him about Tim.
I always Liked TIm , despite the fact he dissed my beloved jvc 838 :lol:
I never bought or sold anything from him or to him,can't address that
If he wants to come on i say Welcome


Member (SA)
I say give him a second chance who knows he may have realized what did in the past and probably kicks himself. I believe also that sometimes it takes for one to fall and that makes them become a much better person. :angelic:


Boomus Fidelis
Heck yah,I have no probs with Tim. He gets a little drunk,but so what......... :lol: :lol: He's good people in my book.... :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
yep he did`nt pay for the bbdb,but did he ripp any of you off for any boomboxes ? i think that needs to be cleared up too


Member (SA)
I can help a little here.

Jens (TPR) on S2G told me that he didn't ever receive payment from Tim for his copy of the BBDB. Also I think there were other deals left wanting from Tim's end, but I have no info on them.
I dealt with Tim once, trading a distressed Sony DD9 walkman for a similarly distressed Hitachi CX200 boombox. The deal took ages & loads of reminders, but it happened eventually.

Tim strikes me as someone who's heart is in the right place, but who's head tends to go on holiday quite alot :-D
He was certainly good value on S2G (who else would ever actually throw up over a boombox?), whatever the reasons for his ban.

Boomboxdeluxe? Bring it on! :-) He was way OTT sometimes, like an over-excited puppy, but I didn't ever quite see why he deserved the castigating he received. I never saw him being nasty. I don't think he wasn't actually banned, but he ended up removing loads of his own posts he got so upset.

DM4U? Not so sure there. I never had much to do with him, so I'll leave it up to someone else to put his case forward :-)


Member (SA)
Yeh,you are correct,thats the part i do know about,(i did`nt want to say anything because its none of my business) but i do know he never paid for the boombox datbase,and i think due to the lenthy hours that jens dedicated into developing it,i think it hit a nerve with him and PF,which is totally understandable,i`ve since spoke to rimmy,and he says he is sorry and wants to make amends with jens and PF,and he said he wants to pay up..
As for the boombox rippoffs he`s supposed to have committed,i`ve hurd sooo much about it,but i`ve not seen or hurd of any names of members he did wrong to,or any members that has come forward or mentioned anything of him ripping them off,its supposed to be in the region of $600+ but i`m yet to see or here any names,and when i spoke to rimmer,he is tottally confused,and said at worst,he said maybe he promised parts to some folk,and never followed through,but he said the parts were for free and said he`s never recieved a cent off anyone..
I dont know,i cant comment on that..i do admitt tho,his drinking is`nt a healthy thing,and it cant be doing much for his health,but rimmer is a just a guy that lets life and things get too much for him,and maybe it effects his attitude to everything and everyone,but i`de say,instead of throwing him to the curb,people should be helping him..
And yess,someone go get Boomboxdeluxe and decentgimp4u,that would be funny :-P
Yess iso,you are right,he does seem to wonder off sometimes,but even i have days like that,i get that bad,people and friends look at me and think that the engines running but there`s no one at the wheel..i think everyone goes through that sometimes..


Member (SA)
Tim still did not sign up here? :'-( :-O :-/

Please tell Tim to hurry :-D

I never did have any troubles with BoomBoxDeluxe!, I was a friendly chappy :-)


Member (SA)
I think taking into consideration bad deals between member in the past is a bit over reaching.Word of things like this get around and people can be warned by other members.In my opinion we should not base a persons eligibility to be a member here on what went on in another forum.Let people join.The mod should only judge them on the content of their actual posts.If they harass or are rude to others on a consistent basis,break the rules,etc.,then kick them out if required (for example If PanFan,by whatever name he uses now,breaks the rules,ban him.If not,he should be welcome here.Perhaps he'll change.Who knows?)We should especially not worry about interaction between members here off the board.What would be the point in doing this? It's not good to over complicate things.Let's start new.


Member (SA)
About Rimmer, He was always nice to me, but if he didnt pay others for boomboxes and or database, he might just do it again if we try to deal with him.

Abouth DM4U, he is a little NUTS , i just think that he needs attention, he is very enthusiastic about radio that was hes only crime, and trying to buy everything on ebay.

About boomboxdelux, i have no clue why he was banned.

but REALLY is up to the BIG DOG, to decide,,,,,,,,, is your CALL FATDOG.


Member (SA)
Just as a reminder, DM4U was banned from S2G because he engaged in a deal with someone over a $100 walkman, changed his mind about it and never paid the guy, but also never sent back the walkman. This behavior from a guy who will literally spends thousands a month on boomboxes sometimes, is completely unacceptable to me.

And I agree that he who is willing to pay the most for an auction should win. As a seller, I'm all about that... But, DM4U took that to extremes and openly outbid fellow members for boxes he sometimes had in duplicate or triplicate.

The guy has issues, and weak character to boot... Yea, it was fun laughing at his videos and the mess in his house. But, I'd rather laugh with someone, than at them...

Go get Rimmer... If he says he wants to do right by Jens, then I somehow believe him....

But let's not make any effort to actively find OCD4U and direct him here... Odds are he will find it on his own anyway. It's only a matter of time before this site starts getting mentioned in ebay listings and starts showing up on search engine results! The longer we can go without having to deal with him, the better IMHO.


Boomus Fidelis
i had issues with tim but we ironed them out ,he fronted me money to build him a box but it went all screwy becuase of the distance and the size of the box ,but i did give him his money back all of it ,so as far as i'm concerned the issue was closed and i would like to see him again ,i think everybody makes mistakes and as long as we work on fixing them all can be well again.


Boomus Fidelis
I agree that Tim deserves a fresh start here and I welcome him.

DM4U on the other hand is a total bragger in competition with people who aren't in competition with anybody. His "I've got one of those" posts in every single thread just got really really old. Then there was his posting of complete auction text in every for sale thread when everybody else would correctly post a link, he was asked to correct this more times than I can count. He never helped others achieve their dreams or desires but he was sure quick to steal them away from members even though he already owned one or two of the boxes. Then he stiffed a member over $100 and that's the straw that broke the camels back.

Unlike Tim deserving another chance DM4U has proven he will be the same turd who doesn't respect anybody and will step on anybody anytime if the moment strikes him.

I agree that I would rather laugh with members and not at them, rib poking aside wich to most of us is still respectful.


Member (SA)
totally agree and as for dm4u,absolutly not vote from me,he stiffed me on a bbx purchase,with a basic bs excuse he's an ah in my book :lol:


Member (SA)
Yeah, suggested those two in jest alone, for the love of god don't get them on here.

I like Tim, his heart is in the right place.
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