Resto work starting on the extreme rarity...

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Member (SA)
Got this a while ago:

Luma LR20N24


By the looks of it, it has been stored in cat's litter box. I gently vacuumed it on the outside and opened it...

... there was about 200 moths, punch of ants and mosquitos, lots of sand and something that had to be
the ruins of vespiary in there. And dust, dust everywhere.

The speakers were covered with dust and sand and mold(!)



Member (SA)
Oops! Didn't mean to submit yet...

Anyways, the speakers cleaned up nice, they seem to be okay.


It's missing a couple of buttons and switches, the other aerial is broken, the left line is mute and it
looks like someone took a dump in the battery compartment.

Other than that it's fine :-D

I will continue later...


Member (SA)
Your commitment to restoring these horrific abuse cases is nothing short of heroic. If you bring this thing back from its retched demise, I'll congratulate you formally. That thing is on life support & failing fast....

Honestly, I'd probably whip that thing at a bus & put it out of its misery, since you described it in such darling terms :lol: ..but I do admire your tenacity & the box looks pretty unique & sort of bad a$$ in its own category if you can bring it back to shiny & loud.


Member (SA)
Yep, that's it. Clearly. Thanks!

It's rare (as an aka) cause I don't think it was sold anywhere else in the world except in Scaninavia by the brand Luma. I only knew that the brand was made for Finnish retail chain SOK, never knew who made it. Well, now I do, thanks!

I got the test sound out of the box (still in forced mono) and I gotta tell you guys, it sounds magnificent!

:-) Cheers

Lasonic TRC-920

TheDogHouse said:
it looks like someone took a dump in the battery compartment.

Other than that it's fine :-D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hate that!

For sure worth the's a beautiful radio. I hope you get it fully working again :yes:

BTW, do you live in a bar? :w00t:


Member (SA)
It depends who you ask. You ask me and I say I almost live in the bar.

If you ask my wife, she'll tell you I'm always in the bar.

We have a bar in the backyard... :-P


Member (SA)
Made the first mistake... :-/

You see, some Happy Camper who used to own this box had brilliantly painted the
positions of his favorite channels on the tuner scale window with thick white paint.

In order to get rid of those markers I had to use kind of strong solvent, cause it was
stucked hard and the milder detergents just didn't do the job. Well, I got rid of the paint
all right, but the whole plastic window is now all blurry and dim... :annoyed:

It almost seems that I have managed to modify the whole molecular structure of this piece
of plastic...

Now I have to ponder this for a while :hmmm:
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