Repairing screw posts


New Member
For broken posts use liquid acrylic solvent available at

Hi all, just got my GF-800, right speaker was hit loosing 4 out of 6 screwposts
Could someone give me the brands or links in which shape/form this solvent sold in Oz?
Thanks :]

Is Tamiya Cement good for the job?
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New Member
Just a bit of FYI.........Opening every box is essential to clean up inside. As these 30 year old boomers have collected so much dirt/dust over years... This is bad for electronics because it will cause overheating and damage components. The only time it's unnecessary is if its a members box and it had already been cleaned ;-)

Bad Boy Bill
---I always coat Screws with a drop of Silicon Oil..plastic won't be damaged and Screws will come out easily...Don't use Petrolium Oil..only Silicon.