Remember this ??

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Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
Over the years, I've bought old cameras that have had film inside, and occasionally I've had the film developed. Usually, nothing's left on the film, but every once in a while what's come out has been someone's family pictures. I've always thought how much fun it would be to find the family and return the snapshots, but I never knew where to begin, so I never made the effort. Of course, we never had a TV show that brought people together like that, either.

How nice to see that you actually made the effort to find the original owner/speaker on the tape, and ABC was able to track down the family! Amazing! And heartwarming, since one of the voices on the tape was the woman's deceased husband. Definitely brought a tear to the eye and a lump in the throat. Talk about going "above and beyond the call of duty"! (And what a classy display of your boombox collection, too.) AZA, you're first-class all the way!!


Member (SA)
Good stuff on many levels. Good deeds do not go unrewarded and it is likely these people will pay this good deed forward.

On a related side note: my daughter loves the sound of her voice, many kids do I think, and I let her just record into a portable generic tape recorder all she wants. She walks around the house holding this thing, telling stories, laughing, screaming, whatever she wants. I don’t actually know what’s on these tapes, I don’t listen to them. She takes the recorder for about an hour and brings it back to me when she’s done. I just know that someday, when both my girls are all grown up, I’ll pull out these old recording and I will think the world of them.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I just now had the wife read the old thread to get the back story and then had her watch the video. She was boo-hooing by the end of the video. She said we "have good people" here at Boomboxery. :yes: I believe we do. :-)


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
I just now had the wife read the old thread to get the back story and then had her watch the video. She was boo-hooing by the end of the video. She said we "have good people" here at Boomboxery. :yes: I believe we do. :-)

It was a great thing that AZA did..... we all have great thoughts or intentions sometimes, but to actually follow through with them is a rare thing indeed. :thumbsup:

(lump in the throat here too....)


Member (SA)
Thanks for taking the time to watch my little video, im glad i could share.

And also thankyou everyone for all the very kind words.

You guys are :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :-D
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