Redbenjoe, how does this box sound?

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Lasonic TRC-920

Oh Man, That's a HOT Lasonic. I have never seen that model before.

Mono, we're going to need a review of that! Details, Details

You were trying to figure out age, maybe some one can help me here.

The TRC 920 was made in 83 and 84 (83 having black speakers, 84 having white)
The TRC-918 would then have to have been made in 81 or 82 ????

There is a silver model with VU meters but I can't think of the model number, Mono, we were just talking about it. It was recently on eBay

so that TRC 909 must be 79 or 80 ????

Does that sound about right?


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Chris, that model we were talking about is the TRC-915:

Safe to say it's just as rare as the 909s that's coming my way 'cause you damn sure don't see those... EVER!

By your thinking, you might be right about the age of the 909, unless Lasonic had 3 or 4 different models out at the same time... It's possible it could've been out when the 915 was out - which puts it in the timeframe you set. :hmmm: One thing's for sure, Lasonic probably hasn't made a box with VU meters since those boxes were discontinued.

I was thinking... Maybe you should ask Lasonic via Facebook. I'd like to know how long Lasonic has been in the box making business.

Lasonic TRC-920

Thats a real good question, did any of these Lasonic's coincide with each other or were they all "That Years" model.

Well James, you got yourself a real rare model thats for sure. Can't wait for the review
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