RC M90 resistance prob...

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Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
I am not suggesting by any means, that you actually use a wire. What I was actually trying to say is that you are overthinking the situation -- that the application is not so particular or specific that a replacement resistor not actually work. You could get a resistor that is 2.2 ohms or 6.8 ohms, or maybe even 10 ohms and I believe it will still work. You can get a wire and it will work. The most important thing is to make sure it is a 1/2watt fusible type. Therefore, the replacement resistors WILL work if you get a 4.7ohm fusible resistor.
norm you were correct about that , i did see one like that and it was working ok so i replaced it with the fusible resistor type :yes: :yes: :yes:


Staff member
You are a smart man, ramon. BTW, FR704 protects the solenoid circuit and if that solenoid is drawing too much power, enough to blow the resistor, then I think that in the course of replacing the resistor, that the mechanism should be checked and lubed to make sure that there isn't some binding causing the solenoid to consume more current than normal. OR another resistor will be in the works soon. :lol:


Member (SA)
I actually to my belief have this problem with my M-90-my deck is dead.
This is one I'm leaving to the experts-Going to pay someone this spring!
Just not enough income right now but that's the only thing wrong-Tape deck is dead & I've heard that these fusible resistors are quite common to go bad.
Good luck-GB. :-) :yes: :-O

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
GB does the music search light up in red you know the numbers 1 to 5, if so you deck isn't dead it just needs new belts wich are so easy to replace even sombody blind could do it, you have the main capstan belt and a standard small one. Good luck dude.
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