I think the SK-909 service manual is just a supplement to address the differences between it, and the SK-900. In fact, the cover of the SK-909 service manual states it should be used in conjunction with the SK-900 service manual. The differences are basically in tuner bandwidth coverage, a few preamp items and some cosmetic differences. Specs are different but I think that's mostly due to regional interpretations. For example, the SK-909 supposedly puts out 13wpc, while the SK-900 puts out 8wpc. The only thing is that the SK-909 just reports it as 13wpc, while the SK-900 reports it as 8wpc (FTC), which is a more restrictive rating system. The schematics of the 2 also shows that they use the exact same amplifier chip. Anyways, the SK-909 manual does not address the mechanism, so presumably, that means you'd have to refer to the SK-900 service manual for the deck information.