This might be over-optimistic, but whenever I've sent emails to manufacturers to inquire about discontinued models in various areas of electronics, tech. assistance for same etc. they always came forward.
So, my humble suggestion would be that perhaps forum owners, in the name of all interested forum members, sends an email to let's say 10 or 20 famous boombox manufacturers worldwide, explains the situation with metalized plastic parts restoration problem, and asks for their suggestions, help, guide... whatever.
It would be important to point out obviously different procedure and materials needed for plastic parts coated with aluminum and those coated with chrome, since aluminum is non-ferrite unlike chrome.
It would be of no expense to them to help out, they could only benefit from photos and adds of shiny restored boomboxes which are carrying their name. Perhaps there is a simple solution we don't know of, like diy mixture of certain chemicals to be sprayed over. Perhaps even some of them would come forward and give us possibility to order coating directly?
What are your thoughts?