Fatdog said:
What a fantastic story!!

First, it's great to see such an enthusiastic female collector here at Boomboxery. Second, Holly finds her "Holy Grail" boombox in less than four months from an esteemed member. Some members wait four YEARS to find their grail. Congratulations, Holly!! Now, don't stop there. There are so many more boomboxes that can use a woman's touch.
By the way, I got my M70 from James also. He's definitely top notch.
Thanks, so much, Fatdog:
I feel SO LUCKY!
You know what's funny about the "women's touch" thing is that I was in third or fourth grade when my dad bought this. I remember how hard(!) it was to push, PLAY (!) with my little kid fingers!
It is amazing to push play, see the metal parts (and the orange circle!), feel how much pressure it takes to push the switch down, then hear the light, "clink!" It's like a freaking time warp! I've been on cloud nine all day!
My SUPER AWESOME husband even surprised me with some MXL II-S blank tapes STILL IN THE PACKAGE he found at Value Village a few weeks back! I used to pay big bucks for those! I would buy vinyl then record them onto cassette for my walkman or dad's boombox.
I still can't belive how great that beast sounds! Except, I told Dave: "Mark my words: that boomer sounds AMAZING! It doesn't matter that it's been 20 years since I first heard it."
He just smiled and said, "let's find one(he didn't believe me, though!)" He's so GREAT!
Now that he's heard the M70, he wants the M90!