The finished "oeuvre"
- added bluetooth button (turn left/right for next/previous - hold left/right for bluetooth volume / press for play/pauze - hold for on/off)
- found printable waterslide decal paper (laserprinter) to redo all markings (left out the "min max left right etc, as that made it too busy )
- redone the markings 80s style font - doesnt show on pictures but its actually dark dark blue (imitating the speakers)
- added tape light (and a sticker to indicate it lol)
- serviced tape deck, new belts, replaced the dead brittle little wheels
- replaced a few capacitators (Dried out)
- grinded and fit new leds for REC,PLAY,PAUZE and STEREO indicator
- replaced the vu meter leds with white and blue as well , and bridged a lot of the circuitery...that had come loose)
- cut a new window for the vu-meters out of perspex (the originals had the white milky lines in them, becoming very annoying and visible with the white leds)
Project made out of 2 unusable in very bad shape radiolas (aka philips) that would have gotten thrown out, but together made for a functionning one by mixing their working componants
Resulting in a glossy WHITE (cause i had white paint laying around) D8614 fully working, 100 pct fonctionnal bluetoothed - with imperfections