Walking along an empty street you see a homeless man living in a cardboard box, passed out drunk (not a stereotype, you can actually see broken bottles and smell him). You see his 2 signs "will work for food" and "need cash, please help". he appears to be up in age and appears to have been homeless for some time.
Behind him in his shopping cart / bardboard box you see it

There's no one around to see you, you have ample time to leave, AND you just remembered that you won the local football pool at the office and have $100 of unexpected cash.
If the open ended scenario is too much for you, how about these multiple choices:
A) Wake the poor soul and offer to buy the box for $100
B) Take the boombox
C) Take the boombox and leave the $100 in it's place
D) Leave the boombox and give the man the $100
No catch, not judging your answer, just something to make you think