I just got a 680 and I'm definitely going to add a line in. It seems very straightforward but i have a few questions before I start. There are no decoupling capacitors on the input, are there some further down the circuit? My next question concerns input impedance. Reading the previous posts it seems like a low impedance headphone source gives great results. How does the line input deal with a higher impedance source, like a line output on a CD player?
This is unrelated to the line in mod. I noticed a pair of CA4066 IC's that I assume are for source switching. These chips are known to add a significant about of distortion to the switched signal. Maxim makes a new version with much better specs, however there are some issues with compatibility. Has anyone tried swapping these chips?
This is unrelated to the line in mod. I noticed a pair of CA4066 IC's that I assume are for source switching. These chips are known to add a significant about of distortion to the switched signal. Maxim makes a new version with much better specs, however there are some issues with compatibility. Has anyone tried swapping these chips?