Organizing my batteries!

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Lasonic TRC-920

For the most part, since collecting, I have used rechargeable batteries. One set of 10 D-Cells. But since I have the charger, I started collecting other sizes. AA's, AAA's. With flashlights, remote controls and what not, I now have rechargeable batteries for all those things.

I have had a pile of dead Duracell's that I have been meaning to test and dispose of properly, but that takes time. So, they have just been piling up.

Mixed in were some semi working batteries that won't work in a radio, but kind of work in a flashlight. Then there were some left overs that were "Good" but not new.

THEN, I have two sets of Duracell's I bought to go camping back in July. They are stall almost brand new!

Just rows of batteries...

Tonight I found this cool battery organizer with built in tester. It was actually in the kitchen cabinet, mounted to the inside of the door in the house we rent.

So I took it out and mounted on the wall in the Boom Room.

I went through every battery. Found the Dead DEAD ones....Marked them accordingly.

Located 4 Near Dead batteries, put them in my Mag Light...They Work! Sort of....but good enough. Might as well use up what ever power is left.

Best of all, I now have 3 full sets of 10.

30 batteries, that are GOOD!

Plus I now have all my rechargeables tidied up in a rack!



Member (SA)
MAN.... what a pictures!!!

Is it very expensive some rechargeable D cells in US???
Down here, it´s about $15USD for a generic (Chinese) one...

And what the methos to charge 10D cells??


Lasonic TRC-920

hardmen said:
MAN.... what a pictures!!!

Is it very expensive some rechargeable D cells in US???
Down here, it´s about $15USD for a generic (Chinese) one...

And what the methos to charge 10D cells??

These aren't very good batteries and they are $11 for 2. Member Miles =ml= has the real hook up on REAL batteries and they are cheaper.

I have a 4 battery charger that will charge D's, C's, AA's and AAA's.

All in all, they have saved me a fortune on batteries!


Member (SA)
Lovin' the look of that GF-9090... :-D :coolpics: :cool: :clap: :thumbsup:

Gotta' pull out my baby one of these days for a tune-up. ;-)

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
I like the rack, but you must have been bored man!
I can only polish them so many times :lol:

Kenpat said:
Lovin' the look of that GF-9090... :-D :coolpics: :cool: :clap: :thumbsup:

Gotta' pull out my baby one of these days for a tune-up. ;-)
Had the 9090 out in the garage last weekend while working on the car :thumbsup:
Still sounding great!

AE_Stereo said:
The battery rack is a real cool invention!
I would like to have one!
I don't know who makes it, but it's better than the glass dish I had full of batteries that I kept knocking over pissing me off :thumbsdown:

hardmen said:
Chis, lets us see your D cells charger...

Here you go, nothing special, bought it about 15 years ago from radio shack...even before I got these D Cells. It needs a cleaning.



Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
(TRANSLATION) I need more radios to keep me busy :-D :lol:
Man, i laughed as soon as i saw the thread title.
We have a tv show in the UK called "Only Fools and Horses" and a guy in it called Trigger has individually named has teeth, and for some reason you thread title reminded me of this :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

im_alan_partridge said:
Man, i laughed as soon as i saw the thread title.
We have a tv show in the UK called "Only Fools and Horses" and a guy in it called Trigger has individually named has teeth, and for some reason you thread title reminded me of this :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


I Am Legend
Northerner said:
Yep, organising batteries has got to be at the top of the list of most nerdy posts...ever. Lol ;) :)

hoodaeveathunkit ??
one of the planets coolest dudes has a closet nerd side -- hahjahjaHA


Member (SA)
What is the purpose of marking the DEAD ones? Wouldn't it been easier to throw them in the trash instead of taking time to mark on them..?

Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
Yep, organising batteries has got to be at the top of the list of most nerdy posts...ever. Lol ;) :)

hoodaeveathunkit ??
one of the planets coolest dudes has a closet nerd side -- hahjahjaHA

:lol: :lol: :lol: B) B) B) :chris920: :chris920: :chris920:

JustCruisin said:
What is the purpose of marking the DEAD ones? Wouldn't it been easier to throw them in the trash instead of taking time to mark on them..?
I have been displaying them in front of the J1 "20 D Batteries Mother F$%^%, Count'em again". Everyone that walks in thinks that radio takes 20 D's when they see it. :lol:

Mostly, I need to recycle them properly, but I didn't have a place near me that will take them, so I'm just holding onto them till I make the trip. :-D


Member (SA)
I've got the same battery organizer! :yes:

It's typically filled with every battery type but D; those are in the boxes or charger.

Here are the batteries and chargers I use:

Primary Charger:
Reboot Charger:

BTW, if you don't recycle the 20 Ds before the next meet, I can recycle them for you. :)




Member (SA)
Remember Battery Maker?
That guy was such maniac.
I miss his crazy experiments.

Top work, Chris! Preparation is always key.

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

=ml= said:
I've got the same battery organizer! :yes:

It's typically filled with every battery type but D; those are in the boxes or charger.

Here are the batteries and chargers I use:

Primary Charger:
Reboot Charger:

BTW, if you don't recycle the 20 Ds before the next meet, I can recycle them for you. :)


I was hoping you would jump in on this one Miles....Right on man....will do. Last time I brought in a box full of batteries to Home Depot the guy at the door almost passed out. He said "Companies can not bring in their batteries..." I said "These are from personal use". The look on his face was priceless. There was easily 40 lbs. But some were those big square flashlight batteries.

redbenjoe said:
for thems that choose to NOT recycle -

watch a movie called "serial mom "

:w00t: :lol: :lol:
Never saw it, but just went to and read about it....I may have to check that out!

Gluecifer said:
Remember Battery Maker?
That guy was such maniac.
I miss his crazy experiments.

Top work, Chris! Preparation is always key.

Rock On.
I think that was before my time on here.

Hey Bro, if the Zombie Apocalypse goes down and I have to load some blasters fast, I can't be testing batteries like a dope. I got to load and run! :lol: :ph34r: :dog:
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