Thanks guys
ralrein1 said:
Cool pics Chris,I hope your trip will be an eventful one. Great little boombox that rc-555 is. I have one too. Has good sound up to about 7 or so on the volume and you gotta love the dedicated line in. I also get a kick outta the one l.e.d. level meter. Have fun up there in the great white north,its a beauty way to go.
I'll tell you how i chose this box...
My wife and i came up here to prepare our rental house for a new tenant. Clean, paint, work around the place.
Last year on this trip i brought the 920. It fit under every plane seat, no issues other than no space for my feet. This year, since the 920 is going to Vegas, i didnt want to risk damage so it was off the table.
I looked at the Crown 950. Same size, but no real line in.
Thought about my repaired Sharp 9696, but was worried if the broken/repaired case would hold up.
Thought the Eddie Van Halen M70, but its a Victor with the japanese scale tuner.
Considered a few minis.
I brought my new FM transmitter, so i plan on FM, but wanted line in as a back up.
Also, it needs to look the part.
The 555 hits it all.
Full FM scsle, line in, small, leaves me room for my feet, looks great, gets reasonably LOUD and sounds good.
Should handle the duties of cranking while i work and still can hit the road and use the line in and Bluetooth if need be.
The FM transmitter has an easy 5 mile range, so i can go any place in town and hear MY STATION. Only 3 channels here anyways.
I brought all my pre 1989 Heavy Metal, so KMTL 88.1 is going live in the morning.
Can you say...
"Woe to you oh earth and sea. For the devil sends the beast with roth, because he know the time is short. Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. Its number, is six hundred and sixty six"