OldSkool69 Sansui CP7 in black on the bay now!

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Member (SA)
man i so want you to get it.. if i didnt just buy the new Kaboom.. i would have bought it just so you wouldnt miss out on it.. talk about sucky timing lol.. hurry up and check this site lol HURRY!!! :-)


I Am Legend
these things sound absolutely beautiful -- :yes:
great guy don --
may not want to give it up to freddie so easily :-O ;-)

(but he will) :-D


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
may not want to give it up to freddie so easily :-O ;-)
(but he will) :-D

:lol: :lol: That already crossed my mind Ira but no way am I keeping this beautiful beast from Freddie. :nonono:


I Am Legend
well - don, its a rare chance for you to have some hours with the
world famous cp-7-
and get to know it --
and decide if you want to bid on the next one-- :hmmm:

predict that you will really respect the quality sound it makes :drool:


Member (SA)
you know a week ago.
at the local value village a set of the speakers for one of these turned up.
i was there every morning for the next week to see if the rest of it would show up but unfortunately not. i even asked the people that work there that make sure the floor tiles dont float aways if they had the rest of it in the back.
i was hopeful but no go.
the speakers eventually went tho.
i have a feeling the boombox was long gone.
it could have been wonderful but alas.
i was surprised how small the speakers for this unit are.


Staff member
To all...

I am ECSTATIC!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ira called me while I was on the interstate in a rain/sleet storm no less when Ira called me. There was nothing I could do as my Blackberry was dead and I was not about to stop in a mini-monsoon with sleet. Upon his command I called Bobby. Left a voicemail. I then called my wife.

Now for those of us who don't know, she has stopped working as we have a two year old running around the house now. (We got my grand nephew back in July. My niece got pregnant at 15, had him at 16 and we've basically had him since December 6, 2007. He was born December 4, 2007.)

Since she has stopped working last the end of last November funds are very tight as we adjust. We will be fine but we are moving sme things about right now. Regardless, once I told her about it she went about trying to find a way to get the CP-7 for me. Ira called me back. I told him I Ieft Bobby a message. I really felt bad because my wife knows we did not have the money, and Ira because he wanted me to have it so bad.

I called her back and told her it would be fine if I couldn't get it as another would pop up. (I also said this when the last one passed me by on it's unfortunate trip to Houston, Texas...and damn if it didn't! Almost exactly one year later!!!) I explainedto her that I couldn't stop t check out eBay and look and that it didn't matter at that moment because my priority was my son. I had to get to Hobby Lobby and pick up some stuff for his Pinewood Derby car as the event was tommorow (today) and we had to get it finished.

I got home a few hours later and looked at my laptop. Tunya had left the screen up. I refreshed the page. Sold. But I was OK. I knew I did the right thing taking care of my family's needs first. And I had faith that another would come up. So I began to settle in for the evening and get ready to work with my son to finish the car. I popped into Boomboxery for a second and saw this thread. I saw where Bobby noted "Purchased on behalf of Freddie!" My jaw dropped. Tunya heard me yell "whooo hooo!!!" :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I told her what I just saw. Then I couldn't get back on. Tunya was a little upset because she really wanted to find a way to get it for me. TheI get a call with a California area code. It's Don (MasterBlaster) and he did the deed. I babbled on because I really didn't know what to say better than thank you. :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:

I explained to him my financial situation and told him regardless to rest assured he wouldbe paid back. Even if it means no Sunshine Mix this year. :-/ This was a big move and super gracious on Don's part. I can't thank him enough. :thumbsup:

Tunya is so happy for me but sad at the same time as Florida may now not be in the plans. :-/

Regardless a dream will now come true. And patience will pay off as this CP-7 is clearly in FAR better shape that the first black one missed. Big ups again to Don as his first mission was the most important. Making sure this baby didn't end up in Houston. We all know he would have nabbed this one too to "stock up" so to speak.

Thank you all again for making 2010 start with a real bang. Thank you al for helping me reach my personal boombox mountaintop. :-D


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I was in Kroger buying some food for dinner when Freddie called me. Unfortunately, I had left the phone in the truck to charge - it was almost dead. Then, when I get back home and see what is transpiring, I frantically called and texted Fred, but just like last year, he was nowhere to be found. :-/ But hey, it all worked out! :thumbsup:

Congratulations, Freddie!! I can't wait to see the new addition to the bassment. :afro:


Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
I was in Kroger buying some food for dinner when Freddie called me. Unfortunately, I had left the phone in the truck to charge - it was almost dead. Then, when I get back home and see what is transpiring, I frantically called and texted Fred, but just like last year, he was nowhere to be found. :-/ But hey, it all worked out! :thumbsup:

Congratulations, Freddie!! I can't wait to see the new addition to the bassment. :afro:

Wow bobby the more I'm hearing the circumstances around this the more incredible it seems. Cell phones dead, Ira's computer down, Freddie on the road and not willing to drop responsibilites for his family, on and on it's kind of surreal. Really glad this worked out, just wish Tunya would have been able to pull off that little surprise for Freddie. :yes:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
hemiguy2006 said:
YAY CP-7 in Black
BOO no sunshine mix this year!!!????
You better start selling some of your lesser boxes :yes:

Here's a list to help Freddie get started:

Vector Research
Sansui FX-700R

Funny thing is - I've got dibs on all three!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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