Old school Hitachi TRK-9150W joins the collection.

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Boomus Fidelis
Behind the grills you can see some trim around the speakers that was left black (unfortunately). It'd be nice to change it to chrome, gold or bronze. :yes: Do you think your stickers would work on the 3-dimensional curved surfaces around the woofer?


Member (SA)
I love these too although I prefer the later models with the long Led VU meters!!
I remember seeing more than one of these in car repair workshops (I was 20 years in the car body repair trade)
They would often be up on a shelf or hanging by the handle pumping out Radio 1 to a large ish workshop!!!
Always used to think what a waste, but they were built to be rugged & they certainly were :yes:


Member (SA)
WOW! This looks almost minty fresh, it stands proud and confident - almost like a professional soldier on parade. I want one now! :yes: :thumbsup: :rock:
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