Hi Guys, I hope everybody had a safe and happy Christmas.
I paid fellow member: Terry (Brian) a visit this week and whilst there, he sold me a very cheap Hitachi TRK-9150W.
I know these models don't get much love here at Boomboxery.com but I love 'em!!
He asked me to make a $$ offer. After he heard my offer, he then agreed to accept half of that figure!! - Now that beats Ebay!!!
To those few that don't know, this model was the first in this TRK 'built like a brick' line. The 9150W is fully featured and has many features not found in the later 9140, 9200 etc models. You get a dial light, twin VUs, digital clock, microphone mix control knobs, tape run indicator lights, Rec Mute switch, Timer stand by switch, Timer Set time and sleep set switches.
Unlike the later models, this early bird doesn't have Metal tape capability so you're limited to normal and chrome tapes.
After a good clean, I have found it needs deck belts and the digital display only works when you put a little pressure on the control buttons beneath. The dial light is out, the deck door is a little cloudy and the tape counter numbers have rubbed off too but I've got a parts box that will gladly donate it's counter and crystal clear tape deck door.
The amps are healthy with both channels pumping at equal levels. The tuner AM, FM, SW and line in work perfectly too after a little switch cleaner.
During the clean up, I pulled the speakers so I could remove the dust bunnies. Unfortunately, you can't just dunk the speaker front casings in water as the thin, round, silver speaker surrounds are made of paper!!!
Except for a few scratches on the left speaker casing, the rest of the unit cleaned up beautifully.
As the original speakers were heavily faded, I swapped in the mint speakers from my 9140E to improve the look.
Being a W model, this particular 9150 has normal RCA inputs/outputs and phono inputs.
As a side note, this early model uses the same Rubycon caps as Sanyo used in their similar era 9994 and 9998 models. Of the 3 Hitachis I have from this series (9150W Serial No:00758460A, 9140E Serial No:10234530A, 9200W Serial No:11207201A), this latest addition easily has the best sound quality of any other Hitachi I've heard!!! I got lucky on this one as I think you could go through a number of these models to find a really nice sounding one.
The VUs are responsive but I think I prefer the flashing, super responsive LEDs found in the later models.
This 9150W looks to have never been opened so all screw threads are perfect and all factory internal wiring is undisturbed.
It looks to have a slightly different deck to the later models too so it will interesting to see if it uses the same belts etc.
I had it cranking outside this afternoon and wow, it now sounds even better with it's newly fitted, low mileage speakers - heaps of grunty bass and super clear highs from this 9150W!
Thanks again Brian,

I paid fellow member: Terry (Brian) a visit this week and whilst there, he sold me a very cheap Hitachi TRK-9150W.

To those few that don't know, this model was the first in this TRK 'built like a brick' line. The 9150W is fully featured and has many features not found in the later 9140, 9200 etc models. You get a dial light, twin VUs, digital clock, microphone mix control knobs, tape run indicator lights, Rec Mute switch, Timer stand by switch, Timer Set time and sleep set switches.

After a good clean, I have found it needs deck belts and the digital display only works when you put a little pressure on the control buttons beneath. The dial light is out, the deck door is a little cloudy and the tape counter numbers have rubbed off too but I've got a parts box that will gladly donate it's counter and crystal clear tape deck door.

Being a W model, this particular 9150 has normal RCA inputs/outputs and phono inputs.

As a side note, this early model uses the same Rubycon caps as Sanyo used in their similar era 9994 and 9998 models. Of the 3 Hitachis I have from this series (9150W Serial No:00758460A, 9140E Serial No:10234530A, 9200W Serial No:11207201A), this latest addition easily has the best sound quality of any other Hitachi I've heard!!! I got lucky on this one as I think you could go through a number of these models to find a really nice sounding one.

The VUs are responsive but I think I prefer the flashing, super responsive LEDs found in the later models.

This 9150W looks to have never been opened so all screw threads are perfect and all factory internal wiring is undisturbed.

It looks to have a slightly different deck to the later models too so it will interesting to see if it uses the same belts etc.
I had it cranking outside this afternoon and wow, it now sounds even better with it's newly fitted, low mileage speakers - heaps of grunty bass and super clear highs from this 9150W!

Thanks again Brian,