Thanks for the comments guys, I'll get some better pics up as soon as I can. I think I need to change the belts though, was there a thread about changing belts on this ?!
I'll also post some pics of the gaurantee card and manual etc.
baddboybill said:
Imagine the cost of a mint M90 from someone that knows fully what they have, halve it and you'll be somewhere near
Eric said:
Very nice pick up docs.
Was looking at your collection and wanted to know what you consider to be your best sounding box?
Eric! I think there are a few great sounding boxes I have now, but I'm sure once I have given the M90 the once over it will reign supreme. But for now I consider the M70, Toshiba S932 and the Philips D8614 marginally the better sounding boxes I have.