No Way!

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This has already been posted in another thread. $2055 with one working channel, broken tuner string, missing tuner knob and flat sounding decks - what a bargain! :-)


Member (SA)
Does anyone remember seeing one of these go this high? :huh: It doesn't even play out of one channel.

Lasonic TRC-920

Kenpat said:
Does anyone remember seeing one of these go this high? :huh: It doesn't even play out of one channel.
I have never seen a Lasonic of any model sell for this much.

Like Norm, this is another BS auction.


Member (SA)
That's just RIDICULOUS! Someone got robbed, OR they just could not live another moment of life without this boombox. I took a screenshot with my phone, that's just insane. Something ain't right.View attachment 13533

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
stereomad said:
I was bidding on it and kept getting outbid at crazy money..... I smell a rat here guys!!!!
My pals in hobby here strongly suspect that it might have been just a fake auction.

And this "invalid" one sooner or later will resurfaces a bit cheaper so that somebody could happily grab that feeling so lucky about "the score of the century". :)
What do you think?


Member (SA)
Mystic Traveller said:
My pals in hobby here strongly suspect that it might have been just a fake auction.
To what end? Assuming it were a fraudulent listing, how could the fraudster stand to benefit? The only form of payment that they could get away with would be cash and nobody in their right mind would ask for that so while I tend to agree that something's not on with it, I don't see the M.O.


Boomus Fidelis
Beosystem10 said:
To what end? Assuming it were a fraudulent listing, how could the fraudster stand to benefit? The only form of payment that they could get away with would be cash and nobody in their right mind would ask for that so while I tend to agree that something's not on with it, I don't see the M.O.
My theory is that they know that people look at previous listings to see how much whatever it is they're interested went for previously. Potential buyer sees a high value listing and is tempted to bid much higher on the one they're looking at...which is more than likely the fake one relisted

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Northerner said:
My theory is that they know that people look at previous listings to see how much whatever it is they're interested went for previously.
Potential buyer sees a high value listing and is tempted to bid much higher on the one they're looking at...which is more than likely the fake one relisted
Yes, right, that was also my thought and that was what my pals meant under "a fake auction" - namely fake highest bids, to have the same boomer relisted at some point later on with the above purpose.
Again, without proof that's just a guess but rather a sort of educated one since I have heard and read a lot about various tricks on auctions.


Member (SA)
I agree something is not right with this auction.

Can it be an inside thing who knows, what I do know no one in their right state of mind would bid that kind of money. :nonono:

I could see that NIB JVC M-90 that sold for $5000 some time ago, it's a boombox that carries a history of being the king of kings.

Not to dis this box, but in my opinion it is not worth that kind of money.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Yeah, right. I call bs, with a capital BS.
blu_fuz said:
So much bologna.
redbenjoe said:
with these same set of fake scammers//aholes bidding -
your 935 =
US $ 22,041 plus s/h
superlew said:
B.S. + Bologna = Quite the "$h!+ Sandwich"

That's what I love about this place. No matter how serious the subject, everyone is spot on hilarious and to the point pointing this pos out.

:w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
That's either a shill bidder, or an idiot buyer. Yes, some buyers deserve to be called idiots, even if they're collectors. I've been an idiot on occasion, and will continue to do so. :lol:

BTW isn't that the one with the fake tweeters?
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