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New Member
I have a TRC-935 it works volume a little sticky and missing a cassette door. Does anyone repair these things?


Member (SA)
You're better off doing it yourself. Shops rarely touch these, and even if they do they may charge more than you're willing to pay.
The ones that do probably aren't near you, and their size and weight makes them expensive to ship, and risks more damage.
And they'll only be able to repair the insides - they don't have replacement parts for specific models.
Doors, knobs, gears, battery covers and antennas routinely break or go missing, and aren't easy to find.
It's rare that a collectible box is parted out, and even rarer that they still have commonly missing parts.
If you aren't willing to buy one with all the bits, it could be months or years (if ever) before it's complete.


Member (SA)
I have those effects mostly with cheap / old cassettes. Try the youngest and solid quality tape and see if that changes anything.


Member (SA)
I never had to do that so I am not you first source. I only can give the general advice to never use normal oil on plastic parts as it dries the plastic and can make it brittle. Use silicone products instead.
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