Today was a very good day, I found one Sharp that I posted about and received a very cheap minty Sanyo today that I snagged off of eBay. This is a very minty Sanyo M-9975 and it's fully working.
MasterBlaster84 said:"................and it's fully working.........."
MasterBlaster84 said:You'll love the Sanyo 9994 WYC.
That is an excellent box and one I'll never get rid of.
Superduper said:MasterBlaster84 said:"................and it's fully working.........."
Notice how the "it's fully working" statement suggests that this is now the exception rather than the rule. Isn't it sad, Don, that boombox collecting has become like that?
----------------------oldskool69 said:Allright Don!
That Sanyo looks groovy!
redbenjoe said:----------------------oldskool69 said:Allright Don!
That Sanyo looks groovy!
that might be oldskools polite expression for.................
MasterBlaster84 said:redbenjoe said:----------------------oldskool69 said:Allright Don!
That Sanyo looks groovy!
that might be oldskools polite expression for.................
Well in that case someone can go suck eggs.
MasterBlaster84 said:Well in that case someone can go suck eggs.
oldskool69 said:...Yes that would be old as he is he has the lowest tooth count of any member here!
redbenjoe said:well don --
of course its cute ...
-and swell to have a box that actually WORKS !!
but --it does seem like a boring step down --
for YOUR collection |-) |-)
you KNOW what i mean
redbenjoe said:understood
that the variety does make it " ALL GOOD "
(even that thing you bought)