New Member with a TRC-920T

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Member (SA)
Hello All!

Im pretty new to the whole boom box world, but i thought i should say hello. Long and short of my story is ive always liked the old boom boxes I saw and I happened to come across one that I picked up recently and i would like to share it with you. I dont know alot about these, so if anyone can enlighten me, it would be appreciated.

I have done nothing to it since taking it home, i didnt even attempt cleaning it as i didnt want to risk damaging the finish. From what i have read it is a rare box.

Well, blah blah blah, i feel like im droning on, here are some photos. Let me know what you think and let me know the best way to clean it up!

Im not sure if im going to keep it or sell it but the longer i have it the more i like it. its just a cool piece of history.

Everything work on it and it sounds great!







Member (SA)
oh i forgot to mention, the last picture is inside the battery area, and it appears to be a date of manufacture sticker. The orange sticker is a canadian thing, ontario hydro, as you may guess is the electrical board with in the province (read: state) and apparently it needed a special once over to be allowed to be sold?

How rare is it for all the stickers to be intact like this?


Member (SA)
Hey all the knobs are intact! Most of the time these units are missing a knob or two.. :yes:
Yes, these black T's don't show up very often.. I have a 920T myself, but I custom painted it.. :cool:

Lasonic TRC-920

Looks great BigBil, PM replied too.

You can clean the radio's exterior with a damp cloth and some surface cleaner. Just keep the spray out of the speakers and knobs ect.

Be very gentle with the AM FM switch and the TAPE / RADIO / AUX switch. These are notorious for breaking, just be gentle, you should be fine.

Like JustCruisin said, good you have all the knobs!

And welcome to the site.


Member (SA)
Enjoy it
I take my radios a part and spray it with contact cleaner and mild soap and water on the outside


Member (SA)
Welcome aboard bigbil. You have a real nice example there. Congratulations. Post pics of it after she's all clraned up. ;-)


Member (SA)
ok ill get on cleaning it.

something thats killing me though, is what is this unit worth? i know that is a subjective question, but what would your estimated value be?
bigbil said:
ok ill get on cleaning it.

something thats killing me though, is what is this unit worth? i know that is a subjective question, but what would your estimated value be?
Hi and welcome to

Well since its 'killing you' to know what it's worth, here is what I've observed:

I've seen these Lasonics go from $20 and up . To a Lasonic collector, it's definately worth a lot more. I think the silver version looks classier.

Most Lasonics I've seen still have those internal stickers intact.

The EBay search function is the way to go if you want examples of previous sale prices.

Good luck with your search.

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
bigbil said:
ok ill get on cleaning it.

something thats killing me though, is what is this unit worth? i know that is a subjective question, but what would your estimated value be?
Whatever someone is willing to pay :yes: nice box btw :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I had the 920T also, it is a cool find. They are a stripped down version of the original TRC-920.


Member (SA)
Welcome to the best forum on the internet, bigbil!

Good first boombox - I wish I could just "happen to come across" one of those, it's so nice. :yes: :thumbsup: :clap:


Boomus Fidelis
Are these the ones with real tweeters, or fake? I remember one of these had fake tweeters that looked like real cones but didn't have magnets or voice coils at all.

At least it has dual decks, unlike the regular 920.


Member (SA)
Reli said:
Are these the ones with real tweeters, or fake? I remember one of these had fake tweeters that looked like real cones but didn't have magnets or voice coils at all.

At least it has dual decks, unlike the regular 920.
Fakes. Bleh.


Member (SA)
From what I was reading some 920t have tweets but half way through the production run they stopped putting them in to save costs. I tried to determine if there real or not but I'm not sure


Boomus Fidelis
Put your ear up to them, you'll know. 920 tweeters are pretty loud.

I don't see how they would "save" any money by eliminating tweeters. Generic tweeters probably only cost $2-3. Also, if they really did eliminate them, they'd have to:

1) design, tool and manufacture fake plastic ones to take their place
2) issue new instructions to the assembly line
3) print new boxes and labels to eliminate any mention of 2-way speakers

So I don't see how that would save any money at all. And brand loyalty would suffer as well. Dumb decision on their part.


Member (SA)
Welcome bigbil, nice Lasonic :-)

Y'know im sure we've been down this Lasonic tweeters road before, it seems so strange some would have them and others not.


Member (SA)
im waiting until i have enough posts to be able to list this in teh for sale section..... should i make a video showing that everything works and to show a very clear idea of the condition?


Boomus Fidelis
Sounds like Bil is just here to sell...this is a collectors forum, if you just want to sell it just stick it on eBay unless you're offering it cheap here to put it into good hands
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