New Member - 15 yr absence from the hobby


New Member

I feel like I just hit the ground from a 2009 time machine. I can't believe how much the hobby of collecting boomboxes has changed and grown.

I started around 2005 or so and by 2009 I had over 40 radios in my collection. I was a successful small business person and the money was good. I owned two Sharp GF-777's, a Panasonic RX-7200, Pioneer SK-900, and at least a dozen more Holy Grail units. My collection was extremely clean and well maintained. I was a member of stereo2go and everyone there was awesome.

Then the 2009 global financial crisis hit and I lost everything nearly overnight. By 2010 I had to mass liquidate my entire boombox collection for a criminally low price. I was able to keep my 5 favorite radios. Only two higher-end radios survived - my Sharp GF-515 and my Realistic SCR-8. The other 3 were plain Jane units that had emotional value.

For years, I couldn't even look at a radio without feeling sick. Year after year, I felt like I was on the outside looking in on the hobby. It felt far removed from my life.

In 2022, my buddy bought me a brand new $15 Retekess PR-15 pocket radio. I felt joy. Little Chinese radios were dirt cheap and took up little space in my very tiny home. I started collecting them and within a year I had a small box full of Christmas cracker radios. Those cheap little radios made me so happy. In short, those pocket radios were the gateway to getting back into the hobby.

A few weeks ago I went through storage boxes and dug out my GF-515, SCR-8, GE 3-5252A, Panasonic RX-F4, and my Realistic SCR-9 (the first boom box I bought in 1983). Also went on to eBay and bought a pristine Realistic Minisette 12 and a super clean Panasonic RX-5010 in need of belts.

Expensive radios like the GF-777 are out of reach but man am I glad to have fallen in love with boomboxes again.

Long story short, I am overjoyed to be here.

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Boomus Fidelis
Sometimes it's the small things that make a huge difference in how we can feel . I have been hopeless in collecting meaning I couldn't afford anything but I would spend money I couldn't afford to spend and that puts you in a hole fast. The only reason I did it was I wanted to feel some joy from these things like I used to whenever I would get a brand new boombox back in the day.
I listened to pocket radio's as a kid because that's all I was used to . you could pick one up at a thrift store or yard sale for a few bucks back then.


New Member
Yep. I get it Floyd! Funny how a boombox (even a cheap one) can really lift you up. I stayed out of the hobby for 15 years bc I knew I could no longer afford GF-777's and all the other high-end radios I previously owned. In retrospect, that was dumb. I have a few decent boomboxes that I've decided to ENJOY.
I don't need 40 radios and $1,000 units. Enjoy what you have with all of your heart and occasionally pick up a cheapie on eBay if the boombox bug bites.

I'm shocked how much the hobby has grown. So many new dimensions. A lot more choices of radios, lots of little niches, new accessories, expanded discussions...and so much more. All very exciting!

I have a few tricks up my sleeve to contribute to the community. Stay tuned :)
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Welcome aboard, and welcome back, Tom! I hate to hear about the stuff you had to let go, but like you said, you managed to hold on to the ones with the most meaning. I'm sure each one of us has been in that situation at one time or another - boombox or otherwise. Be sure and post some pics of your beauties in the Collections section when you get a chance. We love pictures!
:-D :thumbsup::hi:
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Member (SA)
Welcome home!
I'm sorry to hear about the hit you took in 2009.

For me the stories of the radios or the memories I bonded with them is far more precious than "grail status". Every picture on this board is a time machine that whisks me back to the 70's/ 80's.

Glad your back!


New Member
Thanks Fatdog! As bleak as it sounded, in the end, it made me genuinely appreciate what I have. Digging out my boomboxes after 15 years felt like Christmas Day.
Before I had quantity, and lots of it. It was hard to really drill down and appreciate any particular radio because there were so damn many. Now, I have my 5 absolute favorites to really use and appreciate. That's a stellar way to return to a hobby I love. Can't wait to be a part of the community again!
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Boomus Fidelis
It was a 20 dollar jvc yard sale find over 25 Years ago that got me to even thinking about boomboxes again. It was the weight and build quality if the unit that had me hooked again.


New Member
Welcome home!
I'm sorry to hear about the hit you took in 2009.

For me the stories of the radios or the memories I bonded with them is far more precious than "grail status". Every picture on this board is a time machine that whisks me back to the 70's/ 80's.

Glad your back!
Thanks Brother! I would echo your words exactly. My SCR-9 by collector status is a terrible little boombox, but it was my first that I bought with my own money. $99 in 1983 was a ton of money for a kid with a paper route. And yes, every photo, every advertisement here is a tangible time machine.

Glad to be home after 15 years. It felt like an alien abduction lol.

Apparently, obtaining drive belts is no longer a trip down a rabbit hole with an electron microscope. What the hell happened while I was gone?!? :blink:
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New Member
I have the same boombox but mine is a tatung tcr 250.
Yours looks very similar! The Minisette 12 was produced for Radio shack by Sampo in Taiwan. They had a 100% identical sister radio - the Sampo CM-211 only white instead of silver.
The one I just bought is pristine...a brand new 40 year old radio. My first purchase getting back into the hobby.
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Boomus Fidelis
Welcome back! Sucks to have had to sell them but on the plus side you can start again. I’ve collected all but a couple I want so I don’t have the fun of the hunt any more lol
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New Member
Welcome back! Sucks to have had to sell them but on the plus side you can start again. I’ve collected all but a couple I want so I don’t have the fun of the hunt any more lol
Man, you make me feel SO MUCH BETTER about losing all those radios. I never considered the sheer joy of the hunt. THANKS Brother!
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Member (SA)
I don't chase grails, myself. There are lots of good-sounding, cool-looking, affordable boomers out there to find, fix, and enjoy. Welcome back to the hobby!
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New Member
I don't chase grails, myself. There are lots of good-sounding, cool-looking, affordable boomers out there to find, fix, and enjoy. Welcome back to the hobby!
I agree. I just bought a RX-5010. Fifteen years ago, I would not have considered it with GF-777's on the radar. Lots of affordable radios to enjoy for sure.


Member (SA)
I agree. I just bought a RX-5010. Fifteen years ago, I would not have considered it with GF-777's on the radar. Lots of affordable radios to enjoy for sure.
Nice! I have a RX-5040 that punches above its weight. The scrappy, smaller mid-sized units are some of my favorites. They're good for picnics and roadtrips and if you drop it or otherwise break it, it's not the end of the world.
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New Member
Nice! I have a RX-5040 that punches above its weight. The scrappy, smaller mid-sized units are some of my favorites. They're good for picnics and roadtrips and if you drop it or otherwise break it, it's not the end of the world.
Agree 100% I feel like the lower/mid tier Panasonics are the workhorses of the boombox world. I’m in love with the RX-5010 I just acquired. Looking to get my hands on another as a back up. I see myself using this as an Every Day Carry EDC radio!
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Boomus Fidelis
Also the battery life with these panasonic are amazing .
You can't beat panasonic mid size or smaller than mid sized for value and sound . they were designed to be used without too much hassle.


Member (SA)

I know exactly how it is to have that one special radio. Usually your 1st radio is almost always the one that is meaningful because it has been with you through the good and bad. I have such a radio. It's my GE 3-5267A. It's not a worldwide grail, but it's my personal grail and I will keep it until I die.

I am.glad you got back into it.
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