Need Some Sanyo M9998 Help

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-I recently got into the 9998 to check the belt further.It looks as if the belt is there but came off of the big flywheel.
Really hard to get into this thing further!
Problem is that there is so many wires to move and havimg to cut clips to get at the belts better-really entails some work.
Another problem is that the damn power went out yesterday for a couple of hours right when I was working on it! So the back kind of fell aside from the box where I had it propped up and the darn power plug for the lower circuit board loosened up so that there is no contact-1 prong broke off & the rest were loose.
So there is no power to the thing now:( It will need a new plug-where can I get one of these?
Also I'm going to have to invest in a small soldering gun-I mean small-with like a pin tip-these are small soldered prongs and I'm needing to place a cardboard divider so the solder doesn't run onto the other prongs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's not booming now :sad:
But there is hope-I'd really like to get this damn thin re-belted to! But it looks tough.
Here's photos of the plug and how far I got on this yesterday.
Please help & thanks-GB. :-) :hmmm: :-O







Staff member
:-O Oh Wow. GB, you really need to invest in a $100+ soldering iron if you want to be doing your own repairs on a regular basis. I recommend one with an adjustable temperature controlled tip. I'm not talking about a cheapo one that adjusts nothing but the wattage. The temp controlled tip versions actually controls the tip temperature and turns iron on/off as needed to maintain a certain tip temperature. How do you know? Price.

Also, seems you are working on this thing with it still inside the front cabinet. You really need to take the chassis out and I know it's a big A-- PITA but it's how I did mine. As for the connector, if that thing ripped off the PCB, you're really gonna have to check and make certain that the traces didn't lift. Can't you just solder it back on? If not, then measure the pin pitch in mm and let me know -- Maybe I can pick up something for you here at our local Fry's store. Might not be an identical one though. BTW, didn't you get the SM? I thought someone was sending you a copy?


Boomus Fidelis
yes norm i did send it but not sure if gb recieved it wow but its not all lost ,, but the real way was to take her apart :yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Thanks Norm & Ramon-The pins are gone on the plug except 1.There is no damage to the back board as far as anything else.
When I pushed on the plug from the back it would power back on and you could see where the soldered pin(one of them) was sparking a bit because of the loose contact.
So with a new plug and soldering it in,it will work.

You guys-I have to ask this-Would either 1 of you like to fix this and re-belt it? I'll ship it to you and give you some $ down if you want.

As far as the service manual I didn't get it yet.Maybe Ramon can try sending it again or you didn't get the correct e-mail.

I love this thing and yes the motor works-you can hear it spinning and I'm thinking it may need a new spring for the record button or if it can't be fixed then so be it.Just so maybe the spring or whatever keeps it up.
As far as the soldering iron-$ is real tight right now and I was thinking 30-50 at most for a good iron.Norm are you serious-100.00!! whoa!

Norm-If you could get me a pin-I could take all measurements if needed I'll pay you whatever & to ship.But the iron-man I'll have to wait until next month to purchase.If I had good light and a bench I could probably tackle this.
Also-this is good experience for me-It get's me ready and it's good to have practice,Your right guys-this is a harder one! :hmmm: :-O
If it wasn't Christmas this would probably already be in the shop.
Let me know on this if either 1 of you want to fix it.I could send it the first week of January-maybe could wait for the meet?? I don't think I have that much patience though-want this deck to work.
This plug just got pulled enough to loosen a pin or 2 then I took it out the rest of the way.
I have limited work space(no work bench with bright light!) so it's hard.Been wanting an iron-but the price! Should get one soon.
Thanks so much guys-this is a super stereo-it will work again.
Bobby-is there anyplace in Nashville I could bring it to get fixed??
Sorry for so long-have a great weekend-GB. :-) :-O :yes:


Staff member
GB. I'd love to tackle this but I've got to tell you -- I'm about as far away from you as you can be and yet still be in continental USA so don't know if the shipping will be worth it to you. Ramon is closer to you. Remember I told you in the beginning that this is NOT a beginner bbx to work on. Everything is tight -- very tight. Some boomboxes are modular, well engineered and minimal connections between the modules and have quick connects. Unfortunately, Sanyo loves to go with tons of soldered wire jumpers all over the place. When the loom tie straps are clipped and spread apart, Sanyo's often times look a lot like a spider web matrix in total disarray. Take lots of photos as you work is all I can suggest. The service manual can come in handy but step by step photos is the best way. If some wires get disconnected and you forgot where they go -- it can be a real hassle, service manual or not. Just FYI, some of the connectors are the same size, especially in the rear cabinet, and it's possible to connect them wrong.

As for the connector, I have a few 4 pin molex headers in my inventory but I need to know the pin pitch (spacing). They come in different sizes. Worse comes to worse, you can solder wire pigtails where the originals were and retrofit a different 4-wire quick connect.

The record button that won't stay up sounds like a problem. I'd say the issue is more than just a spring. There should be a mechanical lock-out that keeps that button from being depressed at all until conditions are right, without which rebelting would be almost a waste of time. I say that because how do you play, FF, RW if the record button is down?

Of course all is not lost. If it turns out to be a part that is broken-missing and no longer available (just FYI, virtually all Sanyo bbx parts are NLA) you can always search for a parts box. I see them every once in awhile. If you really want -- I'll sell you one to use for parts. However, I've got to tell you -- you've got to ask yourself how badly you want to get yours restored? Like Ira said, fully working mint ones can go for a lot of money. I think there was one sold a few months back on ebay (with a sticker -- repro?) that sold for pretty big bucks $$.

As for soldering Iron -- no kidding. $100 is only a low/medium grade soldering iron. Professional ones can cost closer to $600 or more, and some desoldering stations can be 4 digits. BUT, if you've ever used a good one, it makes a big difference in your soldering results. The tip stays clean, has good recovery power, and tip temperature is thermostatically controlled. Cheap soldering irons typically run too hot or too cold. Too cold, you'll know. Too hot and everything vaporizes, the tip won't tin properly and it fouls constantly, and of course, all those precious semiconductors get damaged in the process. Also, cheap iron uses stiff cords, that constantly gets in the way and the base station is feather-light so when you move the wand, the base swings too, sort of like a tail wagging the dog. So, in short -- good soldering iron is a pleasure to use. Bad cheapo soldering iron is an exercise in frustration. BUT again, I'm saying if you work on your boxes frequently. If you hardly ever solder, just deal with the occassional frustration save your money and buy another mint bbx, and enjoy.


Member (SA)
Hi Norm-Thanks for your advice.Just so you know I always label every plug I take out so it's all good on re-connecting.
Like I said it did work fine when I pushed the plug from the backside-it's just that the pins had loosened up on this plug and one had come off.There's 4 little holes where the plug goes into the circuit board now so this shouldn't be to bad.
As far as the tape player-all buttons stay down and funtion correctly when depressed which is good news.
I think your right on the record button itself-the little mechanism that holds it down lookes to be messed up or broken off.This is no real big deal for me.If it get's all belted the other function should work fine.I really don't have to have the record button funtioning-it would be nice but not a must.
As far as a parts box-that would be killer to find one but it's ok if not.

I will measure the plugs width & height and the space between the 4 pins.
And yes I thought about the pig-tail soldering to the board to if I can't get the plug but the plug is the best way if I can re-place it.
Thanks Norm-I'll give you dimensions tonight or tomorrow.

As far as the service manual-Ramon tried to send it to my Yahoo mail but it was to big!
This must be a book!!
I really do appreciate your guys help on this.I know it will go again and if ramon want to work on it-I may send it to him or If I can wait-I may bring it to the meet.
The only other thing is if there is a good tech shop in Nashville that Bobby knows of-i'm only 2 1/2 hours from there.

Yes-it looks like in January-probably late in the month-I'll pick up a soldering iron.Norm can you show me this 100.00 iron and where to get it?
Have a good night-GB. :-) :yes:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey Jeff, on the Sanyo M-X720, that four-prong connector is used for the speakers and the power lead from the supply to the board is only a 2-pin connector. Are you absolutely sure your broken connector is for the power? :huh:

I'm only asking because I would think Sanyo would reuse certain things to cut costs. :-/


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Hey Jeff, on the Sanyo M-X720, that four-prong connector is used for the speakers and the power lead from the supply to the board is only a 2-pin connector. Are you absolutely sure your broken connector is for the power? :huh:

I'm only asking because I would think Sanyo would reuse certain things to cut costs. :-/

It goes to the lower right circuit board-I took it out so I know where it goes.
These photos were taken before the loosening of the plug.
There is 4 pins-Ramon will know exactly what I'm talking about.The 9998 must be different Fatdog.
BTW-any good shops in Nashville I could take this to?
Have a good night-GB. :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ghettoboom767 said:
BTW-any good shops in Nashville I could take this to?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I remember calling a few places way back when I needed help with the GF-777. Nobody, and I mean nobody, would even consider it. That's when I learned how to fix a GF-777 myself. :yes:


Member (SA)
Hi Fatdog-I just found out the same with the 9998 where I live-just does TV's!
Maybe Freddie & you & me should get together sometime-maybe we could tackle it then otherwise I may have to talk Ramon into doing it by leaving it with him at the meet or at the shop where JT brought his.
Anyway it looks like it might be some time.But as far as the plug-this I can definately do-just need to get a plug.
measuring tomorrow-Have a great night-GB. :-)
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