Need help with a choice

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Member (SA)
Give me your opinion on these three boxes.
Panasonic RX-5050
Sharp GF-8989
I am looking for sound quality, loudness, and good bass for hiphop. Thank you for your help.


Member (SA)
Not a ton of bass from the GE though.



Member (SA)
:w00t: thanks for the help. I ended up buying all three. Kind fell into all them. I guess no one bids on Sunday. Will post pics when they arrive.


Member (SA)
The Panasonic RX-5050 is the greatest "stealth/sleeper" of all boomboxes made! For its totally crushes all sharps of similar size and larger. I believe its the 4 band EQ coupled with the actual tweeters and 6.5 inch woofers and Ambience sets it apart from all other Panasonic RX-5000 series. The Blockbuster is incredible too with 49 watts input. The Panasonic uses 22 watts , but uses it very,very well!


Boomus Fidelis
Can't go wrong with any of the three. :thumbsup:
The 5050 tends to be the real sleeper, they usually sell for under $100 and sometimes well under but they can sure kick some butt. :yes:


Member (SA)
Received the Blockbuster today. It was very clean till I opened the battery compartment. Rusty :sadno: Left batteries in there. Any tips to clean?


I Am Legend
start with course sandpaper --then --get the terminals clean enough to make contact ---
then --scrape them a little more --
then --cover them with a dab of vasoline

or - if you need to make the battery box - immaculate --
then use naval jelly or borax, etc


Member (SA)
Thanks Red. It helped. Will test later today. I opened her up cleaned up the corrosion and dust. I got the two led meters to work. I have two questions about RCA input. I get a low thump in the right speaker when playing my iPhone. Why? It doesn't do it all the time. I received a power cord but it rated 3A 125v. Can anyone chime in on if I should find a 120v instead?
Will post picks Sunday morning. Thanks all


Member (SA)
I have been listening for three hours now and the slight thumping goes away after awhile. Not sure what to make of it. I happy with it though. The digital memory works. Tape deck sounds very good. There are no flaws on the front. Very surprised.


Member (SA)
I received my GF 8989H euro ver.
It is flawless on the out side but the deck is very low when it plays. Can anyone fill me in on what to check or clean when I open her up. Also the five din connector used as he input is also very low. Other than that the radio plays flawlessly. Nice and loud. Pics comming soon.


Member (SA)
Ser182 said:
I received my GF 8989H euro ver.
It is flawless on the out side but the deck is very low when it plays. Can anyone fill me in on what to check or clean when I open her up. Also the five din connector used as he input is also very low. Other than that the radio plays flawlessly. Nice and loud. Pics comming soon.

low sound on tape deck might be due to a dirty or badly adjusted head. Try cleaning it with some cleaning alcohol and a q-tip and if that does not help try to adjust it through a tiny hole between the tape deck and the tape buttons. That should do the job. :yes:
DIN inputs are tricky and a thing with 2 sides. One possibility might be that the box needs to be set on "record" in order to let the DIN input through. You can easily test that with a blank cassette. The other thing could be that the connection of the DIN plug is bad which does not happen too rarely. In that case try fiddling with the plug until you hear good sound.
Best of luck with fixing the 8989. It is a beautiful box I should also get my hands on some day...there are too many other which distract me :lol:


Member (SA)
Sharp GF-8989 H euro version. Nice and loud input DIN has low volume

Panny RX-5050 Every thing is nice except the deck. needs work. Input the ipod nice and loud.





The inside of the Blockbuster





Boomus Fidelis
On that GF-8989, you will need to run Record + Play in order to hear the DIN input.
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